
‘The Words’ Publicity Stills

Several new publicity stills from ‘The Words’ have been added to the gallery.
A new clip from the film can also be seen here, courtesy of Fandango.com.

006 x Publicity Stills

In other movie news, Lionsgate has pushed back the release date for Ben’s upcoming film, ‘The Big Wedding’, from October 26th, 2012 to April 26th, 2013. (Source)


RAE CHEN said:

That means we have to wait 6 more months to see ‘The Big Wedding’! So long!

September 7th, 2012

LaRose said:

Aww, that is disappointing. I wonder why they did that.

September 8th, 2012

LizzieBeth said:

That so sucks. I hope they don’t do what that other company did with Locked In and not release it at all. I’m honestly looking forward to The Big Wedding. Hopefully, they’ll bump it up to an earlier release later on down the line. We can hope right?

September 8th, 2012

Juliet said:

What a crushing news :\
I have to wait definitely over half a year; maybe even an almost whole year to see The Big Wedding because I don’t live in English-speaking country…
Premiere in my country was planned at 23 November, but now rather I don’t want to check the new date of premiere…

September 8th, 2012

SK-90 said:

What a bummer! :(

I have the same problem as Juliet. Originally it was scheduled to open here on Nov. 30, so I guess I’ll have to wait until late May or something. Frustrating!

September 8th, 2012

Tola said:

Julia you a from Poland? So we have the same problem :(

September 8th, 2012

Gio said:



So sad….so, in Italy we will have it…on may?? :'(

September 8th, 2012

LaRose said:

I doubt they will not release it at all. Robert De Niro is in it.

September 9th, 2012

Sara said:

It’s a better release date for a wedding movie. I didn’t think October made much sense even though I was looking forward to seeing it.

September 9th, 2012

Natalie said:

Beautiful photos! I finally got to see The Words movie! Ben was truly captivating in it. I know I’m biased but he really was the star of the movie. He oozed tragic emotion so convincingly that I could feel his heartache, and the chemistry between him and his on screen wife was mesmerising. A top performance. Somehow, he seemed even more brilliantly talented and gorgeous than usual. I think I fell in love with him all over again! Such a shining star. No wonder we’re all so proud of him :-) xx

December 9th, 2012

Dina Makhmetova said:

I also saw “The Words” twice. And both times cried at the end of the movie. The first time I left the cinema in a state of elation. Ben’s character seems to be incredibly vulnerable and manly at the same time. Can’t wait for DVD release.

December 11th, 2012