
Second Trailer For ‘The Words’

A second trailer for ‘The Words‘ has been released, courtesy of TheWordsCZ on Facebook. Click here to watch it. Screencaps can be found in the gallery.

Source: TheWordsCZ


moon_cake said:

OMG! This trailer is fantastic!!! It’s so much better than the US one … and there is a lot of Ben in it. Love it, love it, love it!
Cannot wait to see it!

June 29th, 2012

LiLi said:

AWesome! and Ben is now on the credits! woot woot!

June 29th, 2012

*Caroline* said:

Awesome! Thanks for posting, Steph! Another great Ben-night for me, haha ;)

June 29th, 2012

witchyeditor said:


June 29th, 2012

LaRose said:

They appreciate Ben more outside of the US. He is a bigger star everywhere else in the world. I do like this trailer better.

June 29th, 2012

Fedra said:

Usually i don´t like men with a mustache but on Ben looks quite nice!

can´t wait for the movie to come out :)

June 30th, 2012

Juliet said:

An Angel came down on Earth and He’s got a name: Ben Barnes :)
This trailer is definitely awesome…

June 30th, 2012

Kell said:

So much better then the last Thanks so much Steph

June 30th, 2012

Gio said:

That’s just…no, I have no words.
What a good, wonderful night!!!!

But…is this an official trailer, or not?


June 30th, 2012

Carolyn said:

They knew we would have acted outside ourselves if they hadn’t added Ben to the credits. TY!!

July 1st, 2012

Juliet said:

@Gio – This is probably Czech official trailer :) I may be wrong, but I suppose that the subtitles are Czech.

July 1st, 2012

*Caroline* said:

I just found out The Wedding and The Words have the same release date in the Netherlands (November 15th 2012, for anyone interested). I sense a Ben-party coming up ;)

July 1st, 2012

?MK said:

Finally, some Ben-screening time!!! Guess, judging from us at least, that it will also be the official European version of the trailer, since Ben is more popular in Europe than in US (yet!!!)

July 2nd, 2012

Gio said:


Thank you!
You must be right…so, I just can say I hope in the Italian trailer :)


July 3rd, 2012

Gio said:


I want to say…. I hope the Italian trailer will come soon!


July 3rd, 2012

PetraV said:

@Juliet – The subtitles are Czech.

@Fedra – I also do not like men with a mustache and I have to say in my eyes Ben lookslike terrible in it.

July 9th, 2012

Red said:

According to Variety, it looks like Sam Caflin is taking over Ben’s role in Overdrive. I wonder why?


July 17th, 2012

Red said:


July 17th, 2012