
‘The Words’ Sundance Portrait Session

Ben is currently at the Sundance Film Festival promoting his upcoming film, The Words. He joined the rest of the cast for their Sundance portrait session earlier today. Check out the high quality pictures in our gallery. Enjoy!

010 x ‘The Words’ Portrait Session – Sundance


Jem said:

wow!!! Thanks Steph for this new pics… Now, how can I start my work??? Super thanks again!!! What a hotty geek Ben!!!

January 26th, 2012

Helaine said:

And how can I get to sleep now?? I was taking a last look at BBF before going to bed and found this!!! Whoa!!!

Thanks, Steph! :D

January 26th, 2012

Jem said:

@Helaine – our favorite distraction… hahaha!!

January 26th, 2012

Jem said:

@Helaine – better start counting his beard hair till you fall asleep.. hihihi…

Sorry for the spam.. I just so miss him a lot.. then over excitement runs through my body…

January 26th, 2012

Jem said:

saw this from tumbler – http://bit.ly/x533F2 it says…

“ok Ben Barnes fans, here are the details, sorry if it isn’t very impressive, I didn’t get to shake his hand or anything sadly

Ok, so I’m at the Sundance Film Festival and Ben has a film that premieres here tomorrow, The Words, which I MIGHT see. Anyways he, Bradley Cooper, Dennis Quaid and Zoe Saldana were in the Acura building and each had a car to transport them, I’m not sure where they were going or what they were doing, anyways they all left about 10 minutes apart. Ben was the third to leave. He was wearing a grey and blue stripped sweater, jeans and sneakers. He went from the front door to the car but stopped for like a second to smile for the cameras, poor guy was bombarded but be still managed to smile, ugh, such a handsome face”

loving Ben more…

January 26th, 2012

FL said:

and another…i love his pose here :D


January 26th, 2012

FL said:

thanks Jem!! :D

January 26th, 2012

Gemma said:

Such a babyface :)

January 27th, 2012

Krystal said:

Finally pics…Jan 26th was a good day/night! ;D

For those interested, the sweater he’s wearing can be found here

Thanks for the pics as always Steph!

January 27th, 2012

Dina said:

Yay pictures! Ben looks awesome. Hope things go well with the movie! :)

January 27th, 2012

FL said:

Thanks to the Acura pix, I haven’t done anything at work today!!! I should sue this site for work distraction…no wait, I should sue the gorgeous raven-haired guy in the pix. Yep. Damn you, Ben! XD

January 27th, 2012

Carlie said:

Thank you thank you thank you, Steph! One of those good mornings like in old times, when you wake up to good news AND many new pics!

@Helaine Hm, I wonder whether the new pics stimulated good dreams tonight…? *wink*

@Krystal Thanks, dear! Always amazed how you do it :) The sweater does make him a bit bulkier than normally (horizontal stripes? or american food?), love the manly look! And the beard ;)

January 27th, 2012

FL said:

@Carlie i think it’s the sweater cos in the dinner pix he looks much slimmer ;)

January 27th, 2012

brunnerzs said:

Oh Yes!
Ben barnes is realy sexi in these pictures. I love that picture where he look from the camera. OMG! I am fallin in love with Ben!

January 27th, 2012

Mie said:

Ben in a jumper.. Wow.. How cute and sexy is that <3 !!!!!!!!
He slimmed down a bit again, i really like that.
Damn Ben – why do you have to be so gorgeous <3 ?

January 27th, 2012

Marcela said:

Que coisa mais linda…

January 27th, 2012

Kimbers said:

Haw pwitty-pwitty Bin Bons! <3

Does anyone know what role he is playing in this film and what the basic story for his character is yet? (I'm so curious, thanks to that gorgeous Bin-Bons-in-a-vest pic where he's about to tenderly kiss a lovely lady *swoon*)

January 27th, 2012

Marcela said:

Shiny Happy People!! I loved the pics!!

January 27th, 2012

witchyeditor said:

@Kimbers: He plays the younger version of Jeremy Irons character. There have been a lot of reviews floating around from people who saw the pre-screening at Sundance that explain the premise. It sounds really cool.

January 27th, 2012

Kimbers said:

Thank you for the info witchy editor *mwah*

Will seek out above-mentioned reviews toute suite :-)

January 27th, 2012

casandra said:

New´s Ben Barnes pics …YAY !!! Ben looks manly and soo hot but at the same time cute and sweet with that striped sweater…. This pics made my weekend!! Thank Stephanie for upload them.

January 27th, 2012