
Ben On T4 (Interview & Skit)

If you missed Ben on T4 last weekend, Channel 4 has uploaded the interview and skit to their official website! Screencaptures can be found in the gallery.

118 x T4 | March 26, 2011 (Screen Captures)

143 x T4 (Skit) | March 26, 2011 (Screen Captures)


DW said:

With all this KB excitement, don’t forget American Ben fans that VODT comes out on DVD/Blu-ray this week! (with the worst cover picture in history, but whatever!!)

Anyone heard if he’s coming here to promote, because someone on Twitter (I think it was Bleep!)said he’s going to be on a morning show in Las Vegas next week!
Suppose it could be a video interview!

April 3rd, 2011

Lucia said:

LOL! Oh Rick.. you dirty boy, that was a brilliant skit I was laughing the whole time even if I was being a tad uncomfortable at the same time lol! Clearly it was prepared, even if Rick improvised a bit or you can ask him himself to clear up any doubts ;) (Rick on twitter it’s the second time I’ve been tempted to join O.O) Watching that skit/interview makes me want to long for Ben on Craig Ferguson.

I love (all) the still of Ben’s smile with the brush! and the disheveled hair, so adorable and sexy! LOL! and in the interview when he sees laminated sheet! LOLOL! :) OH GOD! the still when Rick says “You’ve got a huge online fanbase” I DO think we, fans intimidate him! LOL! We’ll protect you Ben!! (and sometimes from ourselves too) Don’t be scared! <3

@Carlie: Speaking of sending the sword fighting with Rick clip, guess you missed another of my comments, (I know with so much activity in these two weeks lol!) I asked you early (when we were discussing Robert naughtiness in interviews) if I managed to save the entire Kildare.tv interview, I've been trying to download it and I can't :( *frustrated* If you have the T4 special on PC in one file also, can you send me that one too? :)

April 3rd, 2011

Carlie said:

@Lucia Hahah! It was you who missed my comment where I said that I could sent it to you! I said it was a big file, about 130mb and asked it it was alright with you :))) LOL Sure sweetie, you can have it. I’ve already sent it to you :P

April 3rd, 2011

Lucia said:

WHA??? You did??? Where!? I did?never mind.. *.* *embarrased* I swear, Ben is not Killing Bono, he’s killing ME! (or rather, all of us with his multiple, nonstop, appearences) However, there is NO SUCH a thing as Ben Overlaoad, nuh hu..

Thanks Carlie! <3

April 3rd, 2011

moon_cake said:

@ Nightshade

I live in Wimbledon but my friend used to live in Richmond and been there many times. I looks familiar but I mght be wrong.

The strip club scene is hilarious so as David Bowie gig. I also love the scene when Neil and Ivan are moving out of their flat and Bono calls Neil. You know which one?
I don’t want to spoil it for others. It’s hearbreaking and must’ve been so hard for Neil to do that.

Q & A started after the screening with Hello Ben, Hi Ben …

April 3rd, 2011

Mandi said:


April 4th, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

@DW Yes! Carlie posted that Las Vegas link on the last post & I tweeted it! *;P haha… IDK if he will actually be on the show or via satellite but it would be awesome if he was really there! He said he’s never been to Las Vegas, I think! That would be neat! & a video interview would be great! *;D)

April 5th, 2011

nadia said:

I love Ben’s smile with the brush.It’s so funny! I can take care of Ben, if he wants….ah ah!

April 6th, 2011