
‘Killing Bono’ Publicity Stills

I’ve replaced all the previously uploaded Killing Bono movie stills with high quality versions, as well as added a couple new ones. Check them out!

Click here to watch the official music video for ‘Where We Want To Be’, featuring new scenes from the film. Killing Bono opens today in the UK & Ireland, so go out and see it!

For more interviews with the Killing Bono cast, click here, here, here, here and here.


Lucia said:

T4 video: HAHAHAHA!! *falls off chair AGAIN*

*wipes tears*

(Thanks Rachel! :)

LOLOL! the drawing.. OMG! can’t.. lolol!

April 1st, 2011

Krystal said:


ROTF….that was too hilarious…..I was laugh crying….OMG!!! my stomach muscles hurt….;D

Crying GAME!!! The Taurus Leo bit…WTF!!!!

*still on floor dying from laughter*

April 1st, 2011

Hana said:

@Rachel and moon_cake

yeah WTF and ROTFL
‘Blue mascara is in’ LOL, guys you rock! LOL

April 1st, 2011

moon_cake said:

R: you can tell a lot about a person just by stroking their hair.
Damn, I want to run my fingers through his hair.

2:40 Rick, can I please have that brush?

April 1st, 2011

Hana said:

I am sure Ben had no idea what is going on LOL

April 1st, 2011

moon_cake said:


2:20 – he was looking around thinking where is my agent when needed. I want to get the hell out of here.

April 1st, 2011

Kell said:

Rachel that was so funny I am still laughing. He did good not trying to laugh. I bet he wanted to so bad. Those two need to make a movie together another comedy That one I am going to watch again.

April 1st, 2011

Carlie said:

I will never be able to watch Rick’s show ever again LOL Gosh, I won’t be able to sleep tonight either, the picture of Rick massaging Ben’s head and suggesting ehem…man on man kiss or putting lipstick via his lips on Ben’s will haunt me for at least two days now…
Rick learned is lines, that’s for sure, but for Ben it was totally impromptu I think…He tried to make lines up on the spot…

April 1st, 2011

arly said:

for a moment want to be rick… lol.

April 1st, 2011

ljs9 said:

“spider silk”!!! That was fantastic! I was thinking while I was watching, “I hope he pulls down Ben’s shirt like he pulls it down in interviews and says ‘show me that necklace love’! ” Then FOR SURE we would know Rick had read BBF!
I think this is my all time favorite Ben video. And they should auction that brush on Ebay for charity. It would fetch a mint!!!

April 1st, 2011

Krystal said:


Did anyone get that about the hair gel? He made it himself…I believe that’s a reference to There’s Something About Mary, ya know that scene?

OH!!! Rick is DIRTY!!!! EWWWW!!!! LOL!

April 1st, 2011

Hana said:

maybe we can post that idea with brush for charity on Rick´s facebook page ;) LOL

April 1st, 2011

arly said:

The film is Cameron Diaz? right?

oh sure … very dirty .. and suggestive ..

April 1st, 2011

Krystal said:


yeah…..that Rick!!! very suggestive……LMAO!!!

April 1st, 2011

FL said:

My God….look at all the things you missed when you lost internet connection for one night!!!

THANK YOU, ALL OF YOU!!! will go and catch up with things!!!

April 1st, 2011

Lucia said:

@Krystal the hair gel.. *facepalm* nonono lol! and here I thought Robbie was dirtiest.. but between He and Rick in the dirty mind-meter, Rick sure won hands down (er… is this where I get to say .. no pun intended?) lolol! (These boards desperately need rich formatting, that was something I would have written small small..tiny.. ) >.<

April 1st, 2011

Krystal said:


Yes, yes….that Rick is a Cheeky Monkey, he is. LMAO!! This is what happens when one watches the clip over and over…you catch things that you missed the first go around. There are a lot of sexual innuendos laced throughout the entire clip.

OH!!! GEEZ!!!! I’m feeling DIRTY again. *_*

April 1st, 2011

FL said:

did we crash mediafire? I always get Problem Loading Page whenever I clicked one of the songs to download T.T (lucky I’ve downloaded Where We Wanna Be cos it’s my favorite of all the songs!)

April 1st, 2011

Lucia said:

@Krystal oh yes yes, you have to watch it again, specially when Ben is in it.. *chuckles*

Actually, you can tell how distracted I was with Ben in the first video that I didn’t notice that it was Rick under that blond wig O.O lol! And I will consider it as the officially UNintended prank of April1st on me. :/ I was doing so well not falling for jokes and pranks.. I don’t know if blame Rick or Ben or both :s gheez!

April 1st, 2011

Krystal said:


the site crashed? I’ll PM you.


HAHAHA….yeah, you didn’t notice it was Rick in drag…that was funny. LOL It is by far the funniest clip that I have seen btwn Ben and Rick….they have great comedic timing. By the way, it looks and sounds even better on television.

April 1st, 2011

Helaine said:

@Unstoppable Carlie (moon_cake, that was brilliant! lol) – Thank you so much for all the links!! I finally watched everything! Gosh, that’s not even a Ben Storm anymore, it’s a Ben… Hurricane!!! LOL

“And then some bastard puts it on youtube…” Hahahahaha XD

@Krystal – I don’t even have words to thank you enough, sweetie!! You definitely made my day sharing the OST with us!!! Thank you so much!! I do want to purchase the OST and support our beloved Ben’s work, but first I want to see if it will be released here.

@Maiamai – As I just said to Krystal, I definitely will purchase the OST and be supportive, but I just can’t wait… XD I want to see if they will release the OST here in Brazil so that I don’t need to buy it on Amazon. I did it with Dorian Gray. I was going to purchase it from Amazon, but I decided to wait and see if they would release it here someday, and they did it. I already have the full movie in my laptop, but I will purchase the DVD as soon as it becomes available for me. :)

@rachel – OMG, this video is simply HILARIOUS!!! LOL I started laughing with Rick’s ‘mon vrai amour’, his face was priceless!!! The whole thing was priceless! XD

April 1st, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

@Jem waaah?! (<==hihi I used your expression there *XD) I was here the whole time! Except for 1 post I posted once on each post! I was lost in the sea of comments! *x_x haha

@Rachel Thanks for that missing part of the T4 interview!

Eww! Rick is soooooooo creepy! *0_0 I laughed the whole time though! Haha *XD And Ben is soooooooo sec C & cute! *^_^ Ben is extremely attractive in that clip! Oh my gosh! *X_X

It's fun watching the more silly interviews *^_^

@Carlie Thanks so much for uploading all the videos to YouTube! 99% of the time I'm on a mobile device when viewing Ben news & YouTube is the best place to play a video. Thanks *;).

April 1st, 2011

Krystal said:


No prob…hun!!! Glad to hear you’ve finally caught up on the BEN TIDAL WAVE. LOL It took me a while to do so as well. =o)

Rick is quite creepy in that video, however, it is all too funny. The perfect April Fool’s Day. *smiles*

April 2nd, 2011

Carlie said:

Ben will be on The morning Blend: 7 April, 9 am, Channel 13

April 2nd, 2011

Carlie said:

And here’s the link to the The Morning Blend show: http://asso.in/url/2xj
If it’s 9 am in Las Vegas, it’s 17pm in the UK…in case anyone wants to watch in online (if it’s possible).

April 2nd, 2011

FL said:

@everyone: finally catching up with all stuff thank goodness!!! I’m in kinda dilemma cos I don’t want it to end but on the other hand it HAS to recede, cos if not I won’t be able to do anything else! And I just got another freelance job so it’s 1 regular and 2 freelance jobs for me. That’s gonna eat up all my time!

@Krystal: thanks a zillion for the OST links…I’ve been looking for it everywhere on the net!!! not because of anything but because only God knows whether the OST and the movie itself will ever come to my country :( So thank you!!! I love WWWTB the most (both version) and this is crazy but I think the “rape” song is very catchy LOLOL

and by the way who was it who uploaded another video of Ben embarrassed with the DON’T DAMAGE HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE thing? I have to kiss your toes too cos his shyness is beyond cute! :D

and Carlie, Carlie, Carlie…you should be the head of our secret agency!!! You’re unstoppable!!! What would we do without you keeping track of all the stuff. I love the music video so much, it was a very happy one and both boys are so funny (though I think sometimes Ben hams it up a bit too much LOL). But really, I love the song so much, maybe because it’s a very catchy, happy song with optimistic lyric. And I kinda need it at this moment.

By the way, Robert looks so cute and innocent in that MV that I just want to squeeze him as well. He’s a brilliant actor to be able to look like that when in the premiere he’s even dirtier than Ben LOLOL.

and of course…the priceless little T4 joke. Rick is positively.creepy. Ahhahahaha!!! And yeah, I kept wondering whether Ben knows about this little joke beforehand because he looks GENUINELY creeped out!!! if it’s just acting, then it deserves an Oscar. It looks so real!!! LOL!!!

Gesh, I think I just wrote an award-winning speech myself. Thanks, thanks, thanks people!!!

P.S: Love the Guiness surprise and the bastard thing too LOLOL. Have I said that he’s cute???

April 2nd, 2011

FL said:

“He’s a brilliant actor to be able to look like that when in the premiere he’s even dirtier than Ben LOLOL.” –> i mean in INTERVIEWS duh!! haha

April 2nd, 2011

FL said:

p.p.s: for those who have gotten the CD: could you be so kind as to type the lyrics for us? I think it’s a very good song, very uplifting…I want to be able to sing along to it when I can :D Thank you!!!

April 2nd, 2011

witchyeditor said:

Where We Want to Be Acoustic…..grab a box of tissues. my goodness, what a gorgeous voice

April 2nd, 2011

Nightshade said:

So behind … JJJ the music vid is incredible, I agree with moon_cake it is like watching the whole film in five minutes … wowwwww

Rachel, the T4 thing is amazingly funny, the English clips are still scrambling this end which is very irritating, can’t think why but must be a local problem. Hope it is fixed soon …. ty so much! lololol

Now girls, my daughter and I saw KB last night and it certainly did not disappoint! I will say more shortly but will say this first and it was quite worrying …. this was the first day of the film’s release and first of all it was in the second smallest screen of our 10 screen cinema (which is the size of the auditorium, not the screen itself which was made huge for KB *yummy*). Secondly, there were only six people watching it, including my daughter and I. Not looking good. We are going to see it every day, hopefully twice one day over this weekend (prob Sunday). But six people, the first day of release, and a Friday night … maybe more tonight I hope so.

It worries me in that it seems to point that Ben is not at all well known (although down in this part of England I am not that surprised – it wouldn’t surprise me if half of them down here in the West had never heard of Bono or U2!!!). Also the fact that he said the other day he still has no projects in the pipeline is somewhat concerning, although he didn’t seem bothered but then he WOULD make light of it in an interview of course ….

Anyway the film is amazing, Ben is absolutely divine all the way through, he is in almost every scene and there is lots of good Gutter Club material ;-) There are three sex scenes with Ben (although you don’t see any detail), one particularly nice bit (for we ladies when Peter C’s wife seduces him. I will report more on this later, in the GC I think!

As you can see from the new music video, Ben looks so good larking around on stage and there are some very funny bits. As you can also see, Robbie looks absolutely adorable too, he is soooo rockstarish and sweet and gorgeous!

Sorry this is all bits and pieces, I need to see it more times and will write more. Watch out here and in the Gutter Club!!!

April 2nd, 2011

Carlie said:

OMG, Nightshade, I’m monitoring GC and reloading the page every 2 min, I’m waiting for you there!!

April 2nd, 2011

Christine said:

Thank you for the soundtrack link. I love this man’s voice! I do have a question. Does anyone know what happened to the slow song you can see Ben recording in the videos from the movie website? I really wanted to hear that one.

April 2nd, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

@FL doesn’t it feel good to be, for the most part, all caught up! *;)

Thanks for the write up!–But it is so sad to hear that only 6 people showed up! *0_0 –NOOOOOOOOoooooooo! *+_+ This is NOT GOOD!!! … *-_-…….. But at least it is a good movie! ‘Better to be in a good movie that everyone missed out on than in a terrible movie that everyone saw! …but stil… *-_-…

April 2nd, 2011

Nightshade said:

@Carlie, oh sorry hunnie, I haven’t been back to the GC yet! I did send you an email though *wink*

@ Bleep, I couldn’t believe so few people wanted to see the film. Doesn’t anyone know about it, or care???? Very peculiar :-(

April 2nd, 2011

Galene said:

@Nightshade, only 6 people watching the movie? That`s a shame :(

Killing Bono gets limited cinema release here, in Russia – only 17 cinemas all over the country. Luckily, there are 3 of them in my city.

April 2nd, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

*-_-… maybe no one knows about it! oh no… *-_-…

April 2nd, 2011

Carlie said:

New short interview with Ben and Robbie:

April 2nd, 2011

DW said:

@Nightshade-send me a review too, please!

You’ve got to read this silly article (forgive me if someone already posted it):


Noooo, Ben! We love your good boy/sweet man image! Don’t be a Colin Farrell! :(

KB better do well in UK or they’re gonna answer to me!

April 2nd, 2011

Nightshade said:

@Christina, I haven’t bought the soundtrack yet but checked the samples on Amazon and am very disappointed – the slow song you refer to sung by Ben is actually played during the end titles of the film (sung by Ben) but on the soundtrack CD the song is sung by Joe Echo!

This does seem very strange – I hope we do get Ben’s version, and not just have to wait for the DVD to hear it at the end of the film :-(

DW will read your link and will do proper review when I can … will email you now (just a quickie)

April 2nd, 2011

Jem said:

@Carlie – really really thanks for the uploads on youtube!!

@Krystal – now I can play the soundtrack while waiting for my order… exciting!!!
Yaikksss!!! for the gel… I know that!!!

@DW – noo… you’re not obsessed!! you’re just addicted.. haha!

@rachel – yey! full video of rick on T4… thanks! LOL!!! that was so hilarious!! crazy crazy rick…

@Bleep – exactly.. and now I’m lost too.. hard to be out here for a day then need to check again coz there’s always an update… definitely Ben storm!!! waaah!!!

April 2nd, 2011

Jem said:

I still can’t stop laughing!!! But I don’t know why I’m having this weird feeling when I see Rick stroking Ben’s hair… getting this to GC!!! shocks!!! and now just watched it about 5X now.. LOL!!!

April 2nd, 2011

Maiamai said:

Finally managed to catch the T4 sketch. What you guys said – completely hysterical!
…so for how long do you reckon Rick has harboured a secret desire to do that? The mind boggles…

Re: The last Press Assosciation clip… one interview without Robert and his filthy mouth I observe. I must confess… I´m getting a little fed up with his dirty talk in every interview. With the risk of sounding like a prude – I just think it´s more juvenile than funny. Those interviews are more than entertaining with those guys as it it, in my opinion.

April 2nd, 2011

Krystal said:

@FL, Jem, Christine

Glad I could help…;D


It is a bit odd that only 6 people were there to view the film. Hopefully, it is not the case elsewhere in the UK/Europe. Cause if it is, then, that doesn’t bode well for it being released in the States. =(

*weep* Yes, that acoustic version does get to ya…I love it.

stop watching that T4…you’re gonna go blind (it’s DIRTY). LMAO!!! *_*

April 2nd, 2011

Krystal said:


…so for how long do you reckon Rick has harboured a secret desire to do that? The mind boggles…

LMAO!!!! I think….since the first time he laid eyes upon Ben. ;D *lowering head in shame*

April 2nd, 2011

Christine said:

Thanks for that info on the song. I do hope to hear Ben’s version soon!

April 2nd, 2011