
‘Killing Bono’ Website

The official Killing Bono website has been updated to include new interviews, behind-the-scenes video footage, movie stills and more. View the site here.

Several websites are also holding competitions to win two tickets to the world premiere (and after party) of Killing Bono, which will take place on March 15th, 2011 in Dublin.

To enter, visit the following websites: MovieFone, Paramount Pictures & The Sun

Source: KillingBono.co.uk


KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

@ljs9: Ooh! That could be some exciting news! *8)

March 8th, 2011

FL said:

LOL this is funny. Someone reviewed KB and then her review was posted in benbarnessource.com. Apparently the reviewer thought it was Ben’s personal blog and tweeted:

Check this out … Ben Barnes thanked me and @MouthLondon in his blog for reviewing #KillingBono

I wonder what she’d feel if someone points out it’s just a fan site…I don’t have the heart to do it haha.

March 8th, 2011

Stephanie said:

Joe Echo has posted a snippet from the song ‘Where We Wanna Be’ (Killing Bono soundtrack) on his Myspace page:



March 8th, 2011

FL said:

damn, I cannot open social networking sites at work. If someone can somehow rip it into mp3 file and email it to me, i’ll be very grateful, thanks :))

March 8th, 2011

DW said:

It’s a great song! Can’t wait to hear Ben do the whole thing!

I can send it to you, FL, if you want to PM me with your email on the forum.

March 8th, 2011

Helaine said:

Thanks, Steph! Can’t wait to hear the full song! :D

March 8th, 2011

Jem said:

@ Stephanie – thanks for the myspace link… can’t wait for my pre-ordered soundtrack!!

March 8th, 2011

FL said:

thanks DW! :D will PM you now!

March 8th, 2011

Stephanie said:

No problem! :)

Forgot to mention in my previous post that this is his version of the song. You guys probably picked up on that though. :P It’s not Ben singing. :P

‘Where We Wanna Be’ (killing Bono movie)

I have written 8 songs for the movie soundtrack Killing Bono. This is my version of the lead single ‘Where we wanna be’ although the movie version has the lead actor Ben Barnes singing on it. The movie is out in the UK and Ireland on Paramount pictures on April 1st .

Joe Echo’s Blog: http://bit.ly/fHZplf

I hope I didn’t confuse anyone .. *blush* ..

March 8th, 2011

DW said:

Fl it’s sent.

It’s okay Steph, we knew! It doesn’t sound anything like Ben, but it’s still a good song! Maybe I’m biased but Ben’s a better singer! lol In fact, I’m amazed at how good a singer he is, so I’m really looking forward to the soundtrack!

March 8th, 2011

Kell said:

Thanks Stephanie Cant wait to hear the rest too not that long now to go for the movie and soundtrack

March 8th, 2011

Jem said:

For me, I instantly recognized it that it’s Joe Echo’s version on myspace, there’s much difference between his voice and BB’s. no worries on my part… ;-)

March 8th, 2011

Stephanie said:

I don’t know if you guys checked the other songs that Joe uploaded but he added the ‘End Scene’ music for Locked In. His blog also says the movie comes out this year (2011). Maybe he knows something we don’t?

Locked In – ‘End Scene’ Music – http://mysp.ac/gc0W3K

From his blog:

‘End Scene’ (written for Locked In the movie) This instrumental piece of music was written for the move ‘Locked In’. The movie stars Ben Barnes and is out in 2011. I co wrote this with Michael Keeney.


March 8th, 2011

Helaine said:

@Steph – Oh no, you didn’t! :) I knew it wasn’t Ben, especially because he sings this song in the demo reel and in the trailer, and the voice was different now. Besides, Ben’s voice is unmistakable! *-*

March 8th, 2011

Stephanie said:

Good, Good! :)

March 8th, 2011

Helaine said:

As for Locked In, this is interesting news, Steph! I hope we have some information about the release soon! :D

March 8th, 2011

Jem said:

Wow.. after KB, then Locked In… this is so exciting!!… 2011 is gonna be a busy for BB and also for us!!

March 8th, 2011

FL said:

Thanks DW! Actually I just sent you a PM asking why I couldn’t hear Ben’s voice in it LOLOL. Stupid me! But it’s not your fault Steph…I should’ve known the instant I listened it :D

And yes, I agree that Ben is a better singer. His voice is pure and high and clear and reminds me a bit of my former crush’s voice (though not as powerful as his). I hope he’ll consider making an album or something…there’re actors who have done that :))

And that’s very interesting news about LI! I hope we’ll get the movie this year, whether in DVD or cinema. It’ll be even better if Ben sings the end song :D Hey, do you think he probably get this KB gig from Joe Echo when they met in LI?

March 8th, 2011

FL said:

oh just realised the end song in LI is instrumental *blush* my brain hasnt been working properly today…

March 8th, 2011

Jem said:

@ FL – I can see that you have a very high energy today!!! LOL!!! you’re so funny… :D

March 8th, 2011

FL said:

LOL yeah dunno what happens with me today. I was actually gloomy this morning and desperate for some good news and then there’re some, so there you go LOL i’m such a moody person :p

March 8th, 2011

Stephanie said:

Helaine: I hope so too! It sucks not knowing what’s going on with that film. Any mention of it now gives me hope that it’ll be released soon. lol :)

FL: Aww. haha Don’t say that .. you’re not stupid! *hugs*

(Yeah, I was about to say. lol It’s instrumental. Ben doesn’t sing in Locked In. :P)

March 8th, 2011

PennyLane said:

Thanks Stephanie. I have to say a prefer Joe Echo’s version. I don’t mean that he sing better or wores than Ben, but the singing style is different… I think JE’s voice is more trained and Ben’s voice is wilder but both are preatty amazing.

March 9th, 2011

Carlie said:

You got me for the 2 first seconds, Stephanie!)) I guess I have the same problem FL was telling us about LOL

Actually, I liked this version. Of course, I will definitely like Ben’s more, but this one is cool too :)

Last night mom and I were watching EV on the TV. She couldn’t believe Ben could sing as well!) She saw him play the piano in DG a while ago…Oh, she really couldn’t believe the guy is so talented!!! Makes me feel so proud of him…. :))) I can imagine how HIS parents are proud of their son!!! :D

March 9th, 2011

FL said:

@Carlie: yeah I’m damn proud of him too. I wonder what is it with these British guys that made them very multitalented (look at RPattz…he can also sing, play piano and write songs). Maybe it’s their school curriculum? I’ve read many stories about British schools and it seems to me that the schools mandate and encourage their students to learn ALL things, which is prolly why British lads seem to be able to do almost everything…:p

March 9th, 2011

Maiamai said:

There are loads of multi-talented people out there in the world, it´s not a quality reserved for the British alone.
However, being British probably just heightens the entire package, I´m sure! ;o))))

March 9th, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

*8( Stephanie! You got me! Pow! ==> *+_+ I thought “BB” sounded weird! But then I thought maybe that’s someone else singing with him–Ivan or a backup singer–because some parts DID sound like he was in there somewhere! *X_X
…in my defense, my doggies were barking while I was listening to it! *XD

‘Can’t wait to hear the full version with BB singing it! 8) This song sounds really good! ;)

March 9th, 2011

Carlie said:

@bleep Next time you want to listen to BB sing, put on your headphones LOL If I were you, I wouldn’t want to be disturbed by dogs at that particular time :)))

March 9th, 2011

jane said:

Hallo from Russia. Anybody know when film Locked in will be on DVD? I want to see Ben in triller. I saw film the King speach yesterday. Kolin was fantastic. I am very glad that he is Ben,s teacher. And I understand why Kolin did not help Ben. Kolin will want that Ben will find himself. People must say: Ben is the best actor .

March 9th, 2011

Carlie said:

@jane We wish we knew, dear! But no, we don’t.

Hey, you’re from Russia, then..have you heard that Killing Bono’s DVD will be released on the 27th of April there?

Still can’t believe it…doesn’t it seem too soon?
Oh, and the date of the KB’s release in Russia has also changed–now it seems that the film is coming out on the 31th of March instead of the 14th of April there.
But I can’t say it’s a 100% true info, though most of russian film sites say that.

March 9th, 2011

Carlie said:

I think I will soon fill up the whole comment page by my posts…but you’ll be HAPPY to see this! Ben’s new pictures!!!


March 9th, 2011

Hana said:

Neil just commented those pics from Ben on twitter

“Blimey, I’m on the cover of Clash magazine. Well, Ben Barnes as me, which is as close as I’ll ever get.
and later”

“Ben Barnes opinion of me, according to Clash: “He’s quite a sweet man.” Sweet! Even my Dearly Beloved wouldn’t call me that.”

Really nice words Neil !!!

March 9th, 2011

FL said:

I just saw it!!! :D thanks Carlie! where’s the article/interview?

March 9th, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

@Carlie: Aww, I love my doggies–& their cutie voices {;3 {;3 {;3–but yeah, I guess I shouldn’t be listening to 2 things at one time *XD hihi.

About the new BB pics you found (thanks) *e_e : Oh wow–super model babe–I think I have to go over there & mess up his hair! };) It’s a little TOO perfect & sleek… *e_e… *sending a tornado your way, Ben* lol ;D.

March 9th, 2011

Hana said:

it is a cover shoot, so we should wait for next month issue? I guess ??

March 9th, 2011

Stephanie said:

Thanks for the link Carlie! :D

March 9th, 2011

Galene said:

Oh, thanks, Carlie! :)
“Killing Bono” is coming out on the 14th of April in Russia.
DVD will be released on the 27th of April . It really seems too soon, but I don`t complain).

March 9th, 2011

Helaine said:

OMG, I’ve just died and gone to heaven! http://bit.ly/gLE2fs *swooons* I hope we can read the article soon!

And Neil is always hilarious! lol

March 9th, 2011

Jem said:

From new post to here, gosh! Hi everyone! I just said WOW from the other then I will say it again.. WOW! Love those new pics. Those sexy eyes, and even his beard (hihi).. Still can’t think of what to say.. Sorry.. @_@

March 9th, 2011

Hana said:


Yeah, Neil is reallly hilarious. I love him.
And to see Ben as Neil on screen is double love :)

March 9th, 2011

Emily4ben87 said:

I want to know if the soundtrack is being release on itunes, because I just checked and nothing. fyi If there’s a kb premiere here in the us, most likely Ben Barnes would show up, and hell I’ll fly myself to the premiere.

April 5th, 2011