
Drama Magazine

Ben is featured in the latest issue of DRAMA magazine (UK), which will be available online soon! In the meantime, check out the cover pic in the gallery.

UPDATE: Scans have now been added to the gallery, via the official website!

Source: Ines Fravezzi


kell said:

Happy Birthday Nicole have a great day. Wouldn’t it be nice if Ben could present you with a King Cake for your birthday, along with a kiss and a hug.

TE doesnt bother me. If she is meeting him for Valentine’s Day I hope they have a good time. He deserves it. If they are together someone will probably get a picture. You know how the paparazzi are. The would do anything to get a picture.

February 12th, 2011

Nicole L. said:

@ Helaine, Carlie, nightshade, and kell — thank you for the birthday wishes!!

kell — that would be awesome if he were to give me a King Cake with kisses and hugs <3

@kana329 — good luck! I hope you get to see Ben :)

February 12th, 2011

Cynthia said:

@Kana329. Frankly, I hope you or somebody else takes a picture of Ben and Tamsin together, so we can put all those rumors to rest!!! Then maybe we can all move on! LOL! Personally I would love to see a pic of them together.

February 12th, 2011

Cynthia said:

I forgot to mention tha I read an article that she has moved out of Jamie Hendry’s house and got her own place. Have you seen picures of Jamie? He looks….how can I put this nicely….”feminine” if you know what I mean (Gosh, I hope I don’t sound rude) So my question is ,how did anybody think that these two were boyfriend and girlfriend? It’s just that I read other comments on other sites that she wasn’t dating Ben because she was involved with Jamie. Clearly that’s not the case, they were basically just roommates. Why I’m even mentioning this….I don’t know….LOL! I guess that was my two cents!!!

February 12th, 2011

Gigs said:

I`ve been stalking this site for a long time already without any comment but now I really can`t resist. You guys are adorable and all your conversations made my day literally.
Keep the awesomeness! ^^

February 12th, 2011

Carlie said:

@Gigs Hahah! Welcome to BBF {:-D !!!

February 12th, 2011

fournie said:


TE didnt go to Japan with BB.

February 12th, 2011

Helaine said:

Finally some pictures!!! Thanks, fournie! ;)

Aww, Georgie is wearing glasses! Cute! And Ben… *sighs* Ravishing as always… ;)

February 12th, 2011

Nicole L. said:

thanks for the pictures, fournie!

@Helaine — i know, Georgie looks so cute with her glasses! i had no idea she wore any lol
and agreed about Ben ;)

February 12th, 2011

Doriana said:

@fournie Thanks for the post!!!!

@Cynthia TE used to live with 3 mates (all boys) and by her tweets she sounds like a party person (all about fashion shows, shoes, hairdressers and pubs). Shes been tweeting a lot about her up and coming changes of 2010/2011 (like cosy restaurant tips, recipes to cook for her BF) so maybe moving out from an “mixed” flat (and buying a Land Rover) means she is trying to step out of her St. Trinian’s persona and act like an adult woman in a serious relationship…But again who knows!

Ben is sporting a nice TAN!!!! In the middle of the European winter…Hummmm I wonder where he got it…!!! Any guesses?

Georgie looks so adorable! Got to love her cuteness.


February 12th, 2011

Carlie said:

@fournie Hahah, you are quick! I’ve been randomly googling info about BB in Japan in hope of finding pics from the airport and found the same link (which seems to be the only one for now) you did just before you commented! So weird and so cool! I am not the only impatient one here!!! LOL
Ohhh, his chest makes me swoon…Love it!!!

February 12th, 2011

Helaine said:

Yay, Steph uploaded more pictures!! :D

February 12th, 2011

ljs9 said:

Um, anyone else notice TE in the far right of picture #7? Enlarge it, and there she is.

February 12th, 2011

Carlie said:

@ljs9 Ehmmmmm……. I.Have.No.Words. :(

February 12th, 2011

Clarissa said:

I never even noticed that lis9, but TE is there.

February 12th, 2011

ljs9 said:

I know…big fat :(
Ho hum.

February 12th, 2011

witchyeditor said:

Yep that’s def TE. I feel bad that she can’t walk next to him…whatever their situation might be. If I was with him and couldn’t hold his hand, that would crush me.

BTW, how does someone look so amazing after a flight that takes all day???

It’s so good to see candid pics of him again. I just wanna give him a big smooch.

February 12th, 2011

ljs9 said:

The secret is flying First Class!!!! ;)

February 12th, 2011

Clarissa said:

He looks amazing in the new photos. especially in the number 2 photo.

February 12th, 2011

PennyLane said:

I feel so excited and I really don’t know why… :D
I’m shocked. I never thought Ben would be like those celebs that always says “I’m single” but they are not.

February 12th, 2011

PennyLane said:

Ok, now I know…I ‘m excited for the new pics after the lack of BB info and news… and I’m kind of frustrated coz again you can ALMOST see that “#%&@$* necklace.

February 12th, 2011

Doriana said:

I knew it!

It was NOT a coincidence! TE flying for 3 days on Valentine´s Day to Tokyo! God finally A PROOF!

TE always said she had a BF…and BB always said he is single! The boy can keep a secret very well!

Well so our prince will be taken for the Valentine’s…Good for him…I hope he can enjoy the romantic mood of Tokyo!

February 12th, 2011

Cynthia said:

@fournie: YES, SHE DID!!!! LOL!!

February 12th, 2011

Cynthia said:

@Doriana….he got his tan in Kenya! Am I right?

February 12th, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

@Doriana, Yes, I have thought of your theory already (before you commented it)…seems it is right! *;o …well, TECHNICALLY we are not together YET so, technically, My Man is free to date other women & play the field–for now. *X_X LOL!

@Gigs: Welcome! *;)

Dear Nicole L.,

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y N I C O L E ! ! ! *<(;D))

February 12th, 2011

Nicole L. said:

@bleep!! — thanks <3

February 13th, 2011

kana329 said:

Ben came here on Saturday.but use Vip route (means back door)so i cant c him…
And i just saw George !!!
She came here around 10:00a.m.
But just one paparazzi was there.and only one fan(its me.lol).
But i didnt notice she is george.cuz looks more adult since i saw her live on 2008!

But To be honest,,,
I wanted to see Ben…and wanted to hand a gift…

Oh cant stop tears…
Tonight my friends at review filim now.so waiting photo!

February 13th, 2011

Carlie said:

Oh, dear, I’m so sorry!!! Such a bad luck! Is there any chance of attending the premiere itself? Can you do that? Geez, what a pity…If I were you, I would cried my eyed out. So sorry! :(

February 13th, 2011

kana329 said:

Yes there is no way…just to see him off at airport on15th or walk around tokyo!lol
But he came here with TE??

February 13th, 2011

ally said:

wow! i have to say, this photoshoot is awesome wicked! i love the hair, its everywhere!
thanks for posting this, steph!

February 14th, 2011

Gänseblümchen said:

I like image # 001 and # 007 picture but why photographers always take so much Photoshop? As you can also paint something.

February 16th, 2011