
‘Killing Bono’ Movie Clip

The Telegraph has posted an exclusive clip from Killing Bono (the late Pete Postlethwaite’s final scene) on their website. Follow the thumbnail to watch!

Also, co-star Robert Sheehan was recently interviewed by Examiner.com and talked a little about Ben and Killing Bono. You can read the full interview here.

Killing Bono is set to be released in the UK on April 1st, 2011.

Source: Telegraph.co.uk


DW/caspian'sprincess/hockeymom said:

It’s an even more poignant scene now. So sad, he was a great actor.

January 7th, 2011

Carlie said:

Ohh…It does not play for me…That’s a shame(
Just wondering, does anyone know a way to upload it on youtube? and if you do, could you please do it if this is not too much to ask? Thank you for the news, fresh as always:)

January 7th, 2011

*Caroline* aka Miss_Ladybird said:

That was a great little scene! I have to confess I don’t really know Pete Postlethwaite, but it’s gonna be weird watching that movie anyway, knowing that he passed away way too soon.

The “get as much sex as you can” thing cracked me up :D

January 7th, 2011

Heather said:

Yes, that was a very moving scene. I really, really hope this movie comes to cinemas in the USA.

January 7th, 2011

Fedra said:

R.I.P Pete.

He was a fine actor and it is sad that he left us so soon. :( My prayers to his family and may God give them strengh to overcome his death but always remember the nice times they had with him.

As for Ben…. he is DANGEROUSLY Sexy in those leather pants!! ( forgive me but i HAD to say it! )

January 7th, 2011

Pilar said:

Creo que por “esa escena” ya quiero ver la película, Ben se magnífico de rey caspian, pero verlo en acción es más interesante para mi¡

January 7th, 2011

Nicole L. said:

i’m not familiar with Pete, but it sucks to hear about his passing…RIP.

@Caroline: that part cracked me up too!!

January 7th, 2011

FL said:

can someone upload this to youtube? i want to save it :)

January 8th, 2011

*Caroline* aka Miss_Ladybird said:

@FL & Carlie: I don’t know how to put it on Youtube, otherwise I would’ve done so already! I want to save it, too! :D

January 8th, 2011

Geo said:

The video didn’t play here ): The plugin is not working ): But about Pete… he was a great actor. Really. But now he’s in a better place. Sure he is.
And God! I love Sheehan. He’s awesome in Misfits and Cherry Bomb :’) I can’t wait to see Killing Bono and The Season Of The Witch as well. And in an interview, Sheehan said that Ben is his favourite co-star. I believe everybody saw it, but I’m really fascinated with that, specially when Sheehan talks about how delightful Ben is and how is awesome working with him.

January 8th, 2011

Shunrei said:

Look what Ben said! :D

What sweet little boy’s face hahaha xD He is so cute :)
He has a great sense of humor, right? ;)

(Thanks at BBO)

January 8th, 2011

Helaine said:

@FL, Carlie & Caroline – I have no idea how to do it either… :(

@Shunrei – Your link didn’t work… But I’ve seen it already. “I DO NOT HAVE A TWITTER!” – Priceless!


About Pete, I remember him from Romeo + Juliet (I’ve watched it a zillion times). R.I.P…


I’ve just seen this on Twitter (via @benbarnesonline)

BEN BARNES via Satellite from London-Chronicles of Narnia- Stephen Holt Show

That was funny… lol

January 8th, 2011

Shunrei said:

Thank you, Helaine! This was great fun ,Ben at first can not control the laughter xD. What Ben says at the end? says “very funny”but before, he says something more (he said so fast that I did not understand very well :(

January 8th, 2011

Helaine said:

Stephen Holt is hilarious! I laughed out loud when he asked if Ben had a nude scene again, like in Dorian Gray. I mean, I really hope he was talking about Birdsong again and not about Dawn Treader!! LOL

In the end Ben says “I’ve met him before, he’s very funny”. :)

January 8th, 2011

Shunrei said:

Oh…OK, thank you again Helaine :)
Stephen Holt sometimes me resembles me, in the way of speaking, do not be if I have to worry or to be glad xD (lol)

January 8th, 2011

kell said:

Thanks Helaine that was so funny To ask him is there were any nuded scenes in Narnia wow. I am still laughing. Going to have to watch that one again. And wouldnt that be nice if they were to send Birdsong to the states like on a tour. Then we can all see it and Him.

January 8th, 2011

Nicole L. said:

“And wouldnt that be nice if they were to send Birdsong to the states like on a tour. Then we can all see it and Him.”

@kell — i’ve been saying that too!! maybe they can bring it to NOLA (that would be AWESOME!)….i actually told Ben that in my letter to him, and asked him “Can you bring Birdsong to the States please so we can see it here too?” lol

January 8th, 2011

Cynthia said:

Wow….does Amber know something I don’t! On BenBarnesSource :(

It would be awesome if Ben would tour the USA with Birdsong!! I can’t travel to Britain….but anywhere in the US……hells yeah!!!!!!!

I think Stephen has a crush on Ben…..but then again…..who doesn’t!!!!!

January 8th, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

shucks…can’t watch that video either ;(

I didn’t know who Pete was or what his name was ’till now, though he has been in some movies I’ve watched… :(

:(Anyways…onto the funny notes… ;)

LOL! @ that “I DO NOT HAVE A TWITTER!” pic! *XD its so cute :] hihi… & he’s getting the fake twitter removed aye? …hmm…perhaps to avoid all future “confusions” Ben should just join in & make an official Verified Twitter account! *};D Ben, you don’t have to keep up with it…or you could… *};) either way, JK Rowling has one just so that no one can falsley speak on her behalf *;] …just something to think about *(9_9)…

& thanks for that link Helaine!!! What a stupid question for Stephen to ask, *XD but so funny! –the end part when we only hear him speak– its so cute how Ben says the word ‘funny’ (:]) mmm… *(;]) & how he let slip that smile & laughter at the begining was meltingly sexy *u* ahh…

@ kell, Nicole L. & Cynthia : Ben touring Birdsong in the U.S. would be AMAZING!!! Not only to possibly meet him but also to get to see his stage presence firsthand! This would be especially exciting, as I may be moving to the mainland in the near future! *;]

January 9th, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

oops! I meant ‘falsely’ –but who cares? I’m typing on a tiny touchscreen! *;P

oh & @Cynthia: what Amber from BenBarnesSource? What does she seem to know? *;o *;]

January 9th, 2011

Nicole L. said:

@Cynthia — just ignore it….it’s just a rumor!!

@bleep!! i agree, and we should try to make it happen!! (Ben even mentioned in the Stephen Holt interview that he would do it if it were to *hypothetically* come to the States….so there’s a little bit of hope! :)

January 9th, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

aaah! Nicole! that would be so great and exciting! just thinking about it! *((;D)

& Cynthia, never mind, I found what you’re talking about– I don’t think Amber knows anymore than we do about that, that’s kind of an old rumor still not confirmed or shut down *;P IDK… I really think they were together at some point, but Ben seems single ~Right Now~ & he’s said he hasn’t found ‘the one’ yet–well, of course! ’cause he hasn’t met me yet! hahaaa! *XD

BTW I have nothing against Tamsin~ she’s pretty & seems nice… but I don’t know that much about her… except that she’s some months younger than me! *;o how can that be? she looks so mature *(o_o)!

January 9th, 2011

Nicole L. said:

@bleep! — it’s actually because he hasn’t met *me* yet ;P but it’s ok, b/c at least he knows i exist (!!!) LOL

January 9th, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

na-ah! Nicole! *waves my finger in front of your face* na-ah! you did not just go there girlie! *finger snaps in a Z formation* XD

January 9th, 2011

Nicole L. said:

LOL bleep! i soooo went there *snaps back* ~_^ but we’ll continue this later since it’s 2AM where i’m at ;D i need sleeeeep :p

January 9th, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

Ok– g’nite then… *~_^

January 9th, 2011

FL said:

what is this Amber thing? did i miss something? :-/

January 9th, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

@FL its just a tiny comment Amber made on BBS that BB & Tamsin Egerton is together, that’s all. *;P

January 9th, 2011

Kim said:

tamsin is living with her boyfriend, jamie hendry, so it’s safe to assume she and ben are not together.

January 9th, 2011

FL said:

ahh okay, thanks :))

January 9th, 2011

Shunrei said:

What is formed when appears, the name of that woman xD. Exactly Kim ;) , I admit, that she, I do not like anything, simply I see her “something” that gives me bad thorn. I do not know what is … physically she doesn’t seem to me to be pretty, (I remember that a friend said me that she was looking like a transvestite O.O, with all my respects to the transvestites, of course). Anyhow I do not believe that they have had a relationship. If I were a famous person and I have someone in my life, I would not say that not, when they’ll ask me, sooner or later they are going to know it, so… What matter?. In addition how are you going to conceal a relationship? You can’t, besides, psychologically, be able to be distressing, always hiding :S. I do not envy anybody who does it.

January 9th, 2011

Clarissa said:

The video won’t play for me either. It starts to for a few seconds then it stops, it sticks.

January 9th, 2011

*Caroline* aka Miss_Ladybird said:

Thanks for posting that Stephen Holt interview, Helaine! I’m still laughing about it!!!

January 9th, 2011

Cynthia said:

Ben has such patience, bless his heart! He’s been holding up signs for all the Ben sites!! I just saw the one for BBSource as well!! He’s such a lovely man. My celebrity crushes come and go, but I’ve liked Ben since 2008….that’s a long time He’s my OTHER Johnny Depp…..I’ve loved Johnny forever! I think I will be a Ben fan forever as well!!

January 9th, 2011

Helaine said:

@Cynthia – I’ve just seen the sign for BBSource, the picture is adorable! Ben is adorable!!

Gosh, I’m so sad Birdsong is almost over! Though I didn’t get to actually see the play and though I know Ben definitely need some rest (poor boy, he works so hard!), I’m going to miss so badly all the ‘stage door’ reports, and all the fan photos, and all the great moments we’ve been reading about for the last four months! Aww… I wanna cry… :(

January 9th, 2011

Nicole L. said:

“Gosh, I’m so sad Birdsong is almost over! Though I didn’t get to actually see the play and though I know Ben definitely need some rest (poor boy, he works so hard!), I’m going to miss so badly all the ‘stage door’ reports, and all the fan photos, and all the great moments we’ve been reading about for the last four months! Aww… I wanna cry… :(”

me too, Helaine….me too :(

January 9th, 2011

Dina said:

I agree with you too Helaine and Nicole! It was fun to see the pictures and read the stories. But this will give Ben a chance to try other projects too!

January 10th, 2011

FL said:

yup, and to see him ACTING :D (since obviously not all of us can see him on stage!)

January 10th, 2011

jane said:

Hallo from Russia! Happy new year! I want that Ben will do all his dreams! It is interesting- Does he have his twitter? See you.

January 10th, 2011

Carlie said:

I was just given the link : http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1376144681018
Loved the way Ben drank out of that bottle:) lol

@jane No, he does not. ???????? ?????? ?????: http://www.benbarnesonline.net/?p=2532 ??? ????? ?????????????? ????, ??? ???????? ? ???? ???)) ???? ?????????? ??????)

January 10th, 2011

Carlie said:

@jane Sorry for question marks, apparently this site does not recognize Russian letters. Anyways, check out that link, there’s a photo proof that he does not have twitter.

January 10th, 2011

Stephanie said:

Ben actually mentioned that he doesn’t use Twitter in an interview last year, while he was promoting Dorian Gray in Madrid:


Just skip to about 1:25 in the video .. ;) His own words .. :)

January 10th, 2011

Helaine said:

Aww, thanks Steph! I didn’t remember this interview! :)

By the way, you brought it back in the perfect post! Ben mentions one of Pete’s lines from this Killing Bono clip!

January 10th, 2011

Priscilla Ribeiro said:

Good afternoon girls, i´m so happy because I saw the trailler about Dorian Gray in Brazil…it´s coming soon…kisses

January 20th, 2011