
Magazine Scans

I’ve added some recent scans from Italy, Germany and the Latin American version(s) of Seventeen. Big thanks to Elisa and Laura for their contributions!

004 x Big Magazine (Italy) | December
002 x Seventeen (Latin America) | Miscellaneous
006 x Cioè Magazine (Italy) | December 16, 2010
002 x Twist (Germany) | December

More new interviews with Ben can be found here, here and here (Italian).


Helaine said:

Oh my, Ben trying to say “Buon Natale” was the cutest thing in the world!!

Thanks, Steph! :D

December 16th, 2010

Carlie said:

Whoa! So many articles…i wish I could get what they all are saying. The ending of the italian interview was hilarious, the ”Buon Natale” thing cheered me up a lot. I’m not very good at italian, I understoof only half of the interview, but it seems like Ben thinks that his worst feature is sleeping a lot….or am I making that up???? Who speaks italian here??? :)

December 16th, 2010

christina said:

Hey, I know it’s a lot to ask but could anyone write a transcript of what he is saying in the italian interview. I just can’t really hear him over the dubbing, thanks.

December 16th, 2010

Isabelle Barnes said:

I’m constantly in awe of how eloquent he is.

December 16th, 2010

*Caroline* said:

Still some Italian people around here with some time to spare? ;) I really didn’t get a thing of that interview. Why did they subtitle the movie bits but dub the interview?!? Argh! I really want to know what he says about the bed (that’s the only thing I managed to understand ;))

December 16th, 2010

Nicole L. said:

@Caroline — that’s exactly what i was about to write as well because i can’t understand a thing in this Italian interview either…the only Italian person i know of who visits here is Costanza, so maybe if she drops by, she can tell us what they’re saying LOL :)

December 16th, 2010

C.S. said:

This has to be one of if not THE BEST fan site ever. Thank you, Stephanie, for making available so much information which is universally comprehensive and timely!

December 16th, 2010

Shunrei said:

I understand a little what they say, when Ben mentioned the bed, it’s because the interviewer asks: What is your worst vice? Then Ben says, “My bed.” “Your bed, in what sense?” says the interviewer xD. Then Ben says something and the man says, “sleep” and Ben says, “Yes” And another thing that I do not understand. Sorry for the disaster of translation, but that’s more or less what he says.

December 16th, 2010

Helaine said:

I managed to understand very few things due to the few similarities between Italian and Portuguese, but unfortunately the bed thing wasn’t one of them… +_+

Besides Costanza, Sarett, from the forum, is Italian too, I’ll try to talk to her on Facebook! lol

December 16th, 2010

*Caroline* said:

Now I come to think on it… There are definately some Italian girls on BBS! And perhaps they’re still on BBO as well… we’ll find out :D

Thanks for the little bits, Shunrei & Helaine! All bits help! ;)

December 16th, 2010

Helaine said:

Here’s the description of the interview:

“Well, at the beginning, the first part of the video, there is a little introduction about Ben like Prince Caspian in the second chapter of Narnia saga and his works (Easy Virtue, Dorian Gray).
Then, at the beginning of the interview, the journalist asks him and he answers ( ) and then they talk about his style, a very english style (the jumper, the tie), so the journalist asks him what inspired this style and he says that he likes changing.
Then they speak about the film and in particular about King Caspian that now is the king, there isn’t any more his uncle so now the atmosphere it’s more lively, brilliant in the third chapter of Narnia’s saga…now they’re all together to defeat definitely the the evil forces…
The journalist asks him how did he feel when he discovered that he was going to get the role of Prince Caspian. He says that was the half past three a.m. when he called him to say that he was going to get the role of Prince Caspian and he was very happy and he didn’t sleep that night!
And, at the end, the journalist says that Caspian is a virtuous man so he asks to Ben if he is a virtuous man and which his vice if there is…and Ben says that he tries to be virtuous and that his vice is…the bed… Obviously, the journalist asks him in which sense ‘the bed’ and he answers that he likes sleep, he’s lazy (like Sleepy =P!)…
And at the and he tries to said , , he’s so lovely!!, so cute ^^!”

That’s it! Thanks to .:Sarett:., member of the forum! :D

December 16th, 2010

Helaine said:

Ops, the comment deleted some bits from the second and the last paragraphs, here they go:

Then, at the beginning of the interview, the journalist asks him “how are you?” and he answers “very well” (“come stai ben?”, “molto bene!”) and then they talk about his style, a very english style (the jumper, the tie), so the journalist asks him what inspired this style and he says that he likes changing.


And at the and he tries to said “Buon Natale”, “Merry Christmas”, he’s so lovely!!, so cute ^^!

I guess now it’s ok… XD

December 16th, 2010

mamy2k4 said:

Sorry, I read this only now.
I’m Italian, but Helaine did a good job, the translation is perfect.

I hoped he answered in a more detailed way to the question about his style, but in effect he says only he likes changing.
I like so much his style.

Buon Natale e Molto bene said by Ben are so nice…….:-)))

December 17th, 2010

*Caroline* said:

Thank you Helaine & Sarett!!!

December 17th, 2010

Helaine said:

@mamy2k4 – Oh, it was not me, it was Sarett! I asked her to watch the video and translate it for us, she’s Italian. :)

December 17th, 2010

Carlie said:

Thank you girls so much for the gist!!

December 17th, 2010

Ananas said:

Great interview, makes me practise my Italian =p

December 17th, 2010

The Cast and Crew Talk Dawn Treader | AslansCountry.com said:

[…] scans, most international, of the main cast talking about Dawn Treader. You can check out the scans here and here. Enjoy! Did you like this post? Share it with your friends now!Tweet ← Micheal […]

December 31st, 2010