
‘Killing Bono’ Interview

The Killing Bono blog has been updated with a new video of Ben and Robert Sheehan discussing what they thought upon seeing the film for the first time.

Source: KillingBonoBlog.com


Kimbers said:

So sexy! Thanks! Love him demonstrating his ‘moves’ and of course the smoochy bit at the end. And Rob is a cutie-pie!

November 2nd, 2010

Nightshade said:

So adorable! They are so funny too.

November 2nd, 2010

Helaine said:

Lovely! :)

November 2nd, 2010

Geo said:

So adorable I can’t handle! D: OhmyGod, they’re really funny, and Ben at the end… Holy mother of God! I loved his moves QQ :BBB

November 3rd, 2010

DW said:

Why does his hair look white/gray in the latest fan pic? Is it bad lighting?!!! Cuz her hair looks okay!!! What’s wrong?!!

lol, are all these fan encounters prematurely aging our sweet boy?!

November 3rd, 2010

Kim said:

This video is precious. I love his giggling.

November 3rd, 2010

Nicole L. said:

@DW — i wonder if the gray hair is for the last act of the play?? b/c in thhat part of the book it said that his hair was graying, so maybe that’s it?

@Kim — i love the video too! so funny :)

@Geo — hahaha his moves are pretty awesome aren’t they? ;) i love the kissy thing he does at the end LOL

November 3rd, 2010

DW said:

@Nicole, yeah that has to be it, although I had not seen any pictures from that yet. And it’s strange that he’d leave the theater looking like that! I hope when I meet him, his hair is lovely dark brown!!

November 3rd, 2010

Nightshade said:

@Steph, this is completely OT for this post but thought it might be best to check before we all put up lots of Birdsong reports!!

Where would be the best place to put them in the forum? I think I put my original report under “Birdsong productions” along with my first set of pics with Ben, but I put last Saturday’s pics up in the “Fan photos from London” section. Now wondering where to put my latest report. Would it be best to make a new section somewhere, and make sure everybody knows where to look?


November 3rd, 2010

Nightshade said:

@Nicole, no the grey hair wouldn’t have been for the last act of the play as both times I have seen it, his hair was his normal colour. Maybe he was going to some early Hallow’een party or something!

November 3rd, 2010

Stephanie said:

Nightshade: It is a bit confusing, isn’t it? :P I think the thread that’s already in the ‘Productions’ section is probably the best place to post any (detailed) Birdsong reports. :)

If someone just has a photo with Ben that they’d like to share with the fans (as well a couple comments about the play and/or meeting him) then that can be posted in the ‘Fan Photos’ thread. :)

November 3rd, 2010

Kimbers said:

Oooh! I met Ben at the stage door at the end of September and haven’t written a report about it yet – I’ve just sort of been wallowing in the knowledge that I had two wonderful encounters with him (I saw the play two nights running – just knew once would never be enough!) I didn’t like to ask him for a photo ‘cos lots of people were and I thought he must be very tired after such a superbly emotional performance – but of course he is simply too much of a gentleman to say no to any of his fans. I was happy to just give him a gift and a note telling him how much I appreciated his work and to have a few moments with him to treasure. Needless to say, he was utterly adorable both times! And sooo heart-breakingly pretty!

November 3rd, 2010

Nicole L. said:

“Maybe he was going to some early Hallow’een party or something!”

@Nightshade — hmm, maybe so. i assumed that maybe it was for the play since it looks like a *really* good dye job, as if he had a hair person do it for him LOL!
although i do find it a little strange that someone would have a Halloween party a week early, especially with Halloween falling on a Sunday this year…..but that might just be me!

November 3rd, 2010

Nightshade said:

@Steph, thanks so much – I have uploaded my report into Productions.

@ Nicole, yes I agree it does seem odd that it would be a Hallowe’en party so early. Maybe he was trying out the grey for one night in the play? Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice …

November 3rd, 2010

Nadia said:

At the end of the play his hair it’s gray… all the second and third act his hair is gray and I’m sure this day he was in a hurry and he don’t have time to wash his head. It’s somethink like talc powder what he wears during the war.
When the second act starts he has some hair grey, some brown but at the end he has all his hair grey like that pic.

November 3rd, 2010

Costanza said:

Wow I looooooved it too the smoochy bit at the end…hmmm thanks Benjamin!!! =D

November 4th, 2010

Galene said:

one more review

November 4th, 2010

Helaine said:

Ilkley Christmas Lights Switch-On with Georgie Henley, Ben Barnes and Will Poulter

November 4th, 2010

Nicole L. said:

@Nadia — thanks for clearing that up for us! i was guessing that’s what it was for, but i haven’t seen the play so i wasn’t sure

November 4th, 2010

Stephanie said:

Thanks for the link Helaine! :)

November 4th, 2010

Nightshade said:

@Nadia, thanks, he must have been testing the grey hair out, or maybe he just has it on certain days. Both times I have seen the play his hair was his normal colour all the way through.

November 4th, 2010

Nadia said:

I saw the 19.30 performance, maybe these days they had 14.30 and 19.30 at 14.30 they don’t dye his hair grey… but when he comes out of the theatre his hair was normal (and a little wet…), but probably he don’t have time between first and second performance, I don’t know.

November 4th, 2010