
‘Locked In’ Trailer (Official)

We may not have a release date for Locked In but we now have an ‘official’ trailer for the film. Screen captures from the new trailer can be found here!

Source: Locked In 2010


Natalie said:

Thanks for posting the new trailer. This film looks really good.

May 12th, 2010

Fedra said:

The film looks interesting, but this trailer is not much “informative’ regarding what the movie is all about.

Is for the accident? is for the little girl being Locked In? is it dad’s “fatal attractionesque” affair?

If i haven’t seen the previous 2 teaser trailers, i wouldn’t get the essence of this film by watching only this trailer… i would be puzzled.

But that is only little me. :)

I will definately watch it o matter what. ( Ben is in it so that is good enough reason for me to see it )

May 12th, 2010

Kimbers said:

I love this trailer! Thanks so much for screencapping! Ben is achingly sexy (I’m particularly appreciating that knock-out glance-over-the-shoulder in the bar screencap – woo-hoo!)

I think it’s clear enough what the movie’s about – a sort of “fatal attraction” with weird supernatural overtones – the whole point surely is that it’s tantalisingly mysterious?!?!

May 12th, 2010

Tweets that mention Ben Barnes Fan -- Topsy.com said:

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Julie Hambleton. Julie Hambleton said: RT @benbarnesfancom: 'Locked In' Trailer (Official) http://bit.ly/bAzdGa […]

May 13th, 2010

Lonnie said:

This trailer was awesome!! Even though I can’t hear it, the video was all I needed. I’m really all excited over this movie, even though I probably won’t watch it. I love the theme that he is desperate, trying to save his daughter’s life. Trying to piece together the secrets…what happened. It’s a thriller, his first ever thriller and it looks totally awesome. Go Ben! This movie looks great! I just can’t describe what I felt when I watched the trailer…

May 15th, 2010