
We Love Cinema Interview (German)

Ben was in Berlin recently with director Oliver Parker to promote Dorian Gray, which will be in theaters in Germany on April 15, 2010. Unfortunately, a lot of this interview is dubbed in German but for those who want to watch, click the preview below to visit Youtube! Screencaps have been added to the gallery.

Source: WirLiebenKino


Kim said:

I LOVE that short hair and I didn’t think I would. He looks great AS ALWAYS. :)

April 8th, 2010

Kimbers said:

Scrummy…absolutely scrummy. Wonderful to see & hear him. I do wish he wouldn’t stay away for quite so long!!!

April 8th, 2010

Fedra said:

He looks cute but i prefer him with his ( a bit ) longer hair. Makes him sexier..

April 8th, 2010

kell said:

I love it. Its amazing how l change in a hairstyle can make a person look so different. Doesn’T he look a lot younger. Maybe 26 instead of 28

April 8th, 2010

Helaine said:

Oh My God, How cute!!! Lovely!!

April 8th, 2010

LizzieBeth said:

Thanks for the link to the interview and the screen caps.

The shorter hair does look nice on him. He also looks a tad tired. As if he hasn’t slept some.

He looks good, as always, nonetheless. Definitely makes him look a bit younger.

April 8th, 2010

NeZayah said:

He looks gorgeous! Yes, I do prefer his hair just a little longer and bangs split in the middle like in Dorian Gray, but he’s beautiful nonetheless.

I wish that they hadn’t dubbed his voice, like in Japan interviews they just let him talk and they have subtitles at the bottom. But it allowed you to listen a bit of what he was saying before they dubbed. Regardless, this was awesome to watch. Thanks for the update!

April 9th, 2010

Shi said:

YES! I totally agree! The short hair is ADORABLE! I can’t decide which I prefer as I think they ALL look wonderful (except perhaps the really really frizzy really really long hair we’ve all seen in a few photos!! :) )

I cannot wait until this new movie is out… and to hear him singing too… !

Thanks for making my day guys!

April 9th, 2010

Tahanka said:

I love his new look!

Did you know that Dawntreader will be in 3D? They decided about it last week.

Ben is also negotiating for lead role in new film Fateful Pattern

April 9th, 2010

Carmen said:

i love ben’s new look. =) refreshing.

April 9th, 2010

Ridz said:

he looks good in every style he adopts

April 9th, 2010

Tweets that mention Ben Barnes Fan -- Topsy.com said:

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Julia. Julia said: RT @benbarnesfancom: We Love Cinema Interview (German) http://bit.ly/dzyZwL […]

April 9th, 2010

casandra said:

Yay , new vid of my gorgeous Ben x3
In my opinion he looks awesome as always. Well it is true he looks sexier with long hair but this new look is soooo refreshing and cute .
Thanks guys for sharing this vid. I always enjoy watching Bens vid. My only complaint is that they dubbed the interview and i hardly can heard his sweet voice. Anyway this vid made my week !!!
A huge hug from Perú

April 9th, 2010

mar said:

i´m dying for his bones

April 10th, 2010

Steelsheen said:

i wish there was a non-dubbed version of this. it sounded like Ben had some new things to say, he even said something about HD and 3D filmaking.

April 11th, 2010

*Caroline* said:

@ Steelsheen: a translation by Andrea is on the Benbarnesonline forum :)

April 11th, 2010

Trisha said:

I love his hair too! I’m glad he shaved too!

April 11th, 2010

Lara said:

he is not single :(

April 13th, 2010

Lara said:

there is a video on youtube by daxflameslayer about his girl…so sad…sorry ladies!

April 13th, 2010

LizzieBeth said:

I saw those vids.

It’s a shame that that person was taking out his/her frustrations on the pair like that. His/her jealousy about their supposedly being together was apparent. Why the person decided to attack them, because that is what he/she is doing, in video form is beyond me.

If they’re together, more power to them. I think people like Dax, and others, should respect that the choice is his to date whomever he wishes to.

April 14th, 2010

Fedra said:

daxflameslayer….. hmm… that name does ring a bell…. isn’t that person that is obssesed ( with hatred that is ) with Ben Barnes that has posted some horrible videos mocking Ben??

If that is the person we are talking about.. i wouldn’t take seriously anything that comes from him/her.

April 14th, 2010

Lara said:

I think that Daxflameslayer was burned..and well has no other way to deal with it…so sad! This person should grow up..no matter what he/she puts out fans are not going any where!

April 19th, 2010

Sasha said:

I am dead for Ben!~he is charming, cute and looks way much younger than he really is!

April 27th, 2010

Affy-Ann said:

He looks wonderful! It’s great he continues to promote Dorian Gray while filming Killing Bono. He’s very dedicated to his work. Ben Barnes rocks! ^_^ ?

May 7th, 2010

ruby said:

for what it’s worth, if he were actually involved with Tamsin (not saying he is or isn’t, or that it’s really anyone else’s business after all!), if it were me I’d be a little leery of dating someone so prone to stealing the spotlight whenever out together. but that’s just me.

May 8th, 2010