
On The Set of ‘Killing Bono’ In N. Ireland

Today NewtownabbeyToday.co.uk published an article about one of their hotels being used during the filming of Killing Bono. The article also includes a new photo of Ben outside the hotel, which has been added to the gallery!

In addition to the new photo (above), I recently uploaded a couple previously unseen photos of Ben (with co-star Krysten Ritter) on the set of Killing Bono last week.

001 x On Set In Northern Ireland | January 24th, 2010
003 x On Set In Northern Ireland | January 25th, 2010

Many thanks to Paul for allowing me to share those with you all!

Source: NewtownabbeyToday.co.uk


Steelsheen said:

yeah! Ben playing long haired rocker/ hippie/ bum Neil McCormick lol!

oy someone should send this to Neil, have a good laugh, or snarky comment ;)

February 4th, 2010

Luna said:

He looks so sweet! And the hair is cool:D
Thanks for uploading!

February 4th, 2010

sonia said:

omg..i was waiting for this…1st pic where he looks UGLY…..:DDD….seriously….that look is ridiculous…..

February 4th, 2010

Stefani said:

Cute !!! :p But short hair bether :P

February 4th, 2010

Natalie said:

wonder if that hair is a wig too. Is that a cut on his mouth in the corner or just something on the photo?

February 4th, 2010

Hannah said:

I think that might be a wig. I also think he cut his hair like in the first Bono pic we saw but the pics including this one and the baggy pant ones are wigs. Love Ben updates!

February 4th, 2010

Helaine said:

Oh My God, Ben looks ugly. I never thought I would live to see this day. :-o

February 4th, 2010

Ariel said:

what happen!
i agree ,he looks ugly

February 4th, 2010

Christina said:

Ladies come on…BE NICE To Ben…Thanks for the updates. His hair looks wavy in the new pic, i wonder if that’s natural.

February 4th, 2010

Fire and Rain said:

You guys, it’s the 80’s look. LOL.

It might look horrible now but it was really in during those times. Plus, Ben makes that hair look good. :D

Anyway, what if we go back to the 80’s style? Imagine us looking like Madonna in that Like A Virgin video. Hahaha

February 4th, 2010

Andrea said:

Ben doesn’t look ugly!! You guys are mean! It’s for the movie!!! It might be extensions and yes that looks like a cut on the corner of the mouth.

February 4th, 2010

Betty said:

Ben looks so pale!!! It’s that ugly wavy hair that is freaking us out!!!

February 4th, 2010

kell said:

His picture might not look good but when we see him in the movie it would look different and He is not that bad looking. That was just a bad picture he is still cute. He is doing what he has to do for the movie, and it does look like a cut, maybe he gets into a fight. Cant wait to see what happens. To me he is still Ben, and isnt he suppose to look ugly. I dont think they can.

February 4th, 2010

Helaine said:

Girls, sorry for the “ugly”, but I’m not blaming him! I know it’s part of the role! ;-)

They might be trying to do everything they can to make him look like Neil McCormick, poor Ben… =P

But I keep loving him madly, of course!!! *_*

February 4th, 2010

Hannah said:

His smile gets me everytime xD

February 4th, 2010

Anna said:

God,what’s wrong ???is it a wig?i dont like it any more,short hair is much better!!! thanks for the pic anyway!!

February 4th, 2010

AutumnBarnes said:

Hmmmm I didn’t actually recognized Ben at first with this pic, but its the same gorgeous smile. I quite agree that he doesn’t look good with this particular picture but everyone has ugly pic sometimes so….
Im just curious if its a wig coz his real hair seemed luxurious from previous pictures I’ve seen him and there’s something in the corner of his mouth that looks like a cut.

February 4th, 2010

toebildonk said:

I don’t mind with the hippie ugly rocker long hair ;). I’ve been waiting for this. The non-handsome look of precious Ben. Try to take a look to his other roles.. He looked different from one role to another.. Though he’s one of the most heart-melting handsome bloke, but for his role, he dare to look different.. shut down his charm to fit into the role… that’s make him the world-class actor.. I am totally proud of Ben Barnes..
and agree to Hannah & AutumnBarnes… nothing could conceal his heart-winning contagious smile.. that’s our BEN..

February 5th, 2010

Anne said:

I agree with Toebildonk. It’s just for the film. Ben still has his sweet smiles. Love him!!

February 5th, 2010

i said:

Oh, wow. All I can say is, THANK GOD! I am so relieved he can look – if not ugly – normal sometimes. I’ve been going crazy because of his perfection! and comparing him to my poor, saint of a hubby.
and is that – GASP! a slightly receding hairline???
sorry girls, but I would love it if it were (probably not, though).
It’s just comforting to know that nobody is actually always a demi-god treading the earth.
I bet he himself is relieved and would like to think of himself more as a normal human being, and just be.
I think I’ve read Jane Eyre too many times. I just think it’s wonderful how she actually loves him more after he has been disfigured by the fire (not that ‘disfigured’ would ever be a term I might apply to this man).
So girls, if you still love him with this look – more power to y’all! you really are good fans and he’s lucky to have you.

February 5th, 2010

She said:

I still wanna touch his hair!

February 5th, 2010

Steelsheen said:

geez, all these violent reaction to one ‘less than perfect’ photo lol!

its been confirmed that he is wearing wigs for this film. this particular photo is one such example or at most hair extensions. Ben’s hair is naturally wavy, but it doesnt look like that even in its most neglected and unkempt form. another reason why i think this is a wig is because his hairline is different. compare the Dawn Treader photos to refresh your memory. i’m guessing they either had to shave his hairline to make it look like that or he’s wearing a bald cap under the wig, allowing makeup artists to dictate whatever hairline they want an actor to have for a particular scene.

if they’re following events in the book, IIRC this long-haired Neil McCormick is during the latter part of the 80s where he ALMOST made it big (literally just a contract signing away), its either one of the fights he got into about that (hence the hotel setting) or the accident he had where it was a miracle he and his band made it out alive.

February 5th, 2010

Natalie said:

Thanks for the description Steelsheen, I haven’t read the book.

February 5th, 2010

Ashley said:

Poor Ben. Everyone is being quite rude with all the ugly comments.

Obviously, he’s wearing a wig or extensions, in combination with the look of the times and the role he is playing, and the fact that he’s a human being who isn’t always going to look like everyone’s idea of perfection in every photo (though I admit, he does give it a very good try!).

Just because he is an actor, and therefor a celebrity, doesn’t mean he is going to look good in every single photo. Role & wig or not, he may be having an “ugly day”, but that in no way makes him an ugly person – far from it because he’s quite handsome and a very sweet and humorous guy!

I’m sure everyone has had a bad photo taken of them in their lifetime, so give him a break.

February 6th, 2010

Natalie said:

I don’t think he looks ugly, I just don’t think that he looks like himself which I just assumed was because he was on set and in character.

February 6th, 2010

Vanda S said:

For me long hair or short one he’s always gorgeous,
I don’t really mind!

February 6th, 2010

Ally981 said:

wow, his hair is SO LONG! lol so that means he is wearing a wig with the shorter hair! it must be haha

February 8th, 2010

bleep! said:

Ben looks cute and nice and beautiful…*..*…*.*…*..*…*.*…

August 5th, 2010