Hello everyone! This weekend I’ve also updated the Dorian Gray section of the gallery with screen captures from the DVD, which was released last week in the UK. A couple days ago I uploaded two new Dorian Gray publicity stills as well, courtesy of Digital Media World. I hope you all enjoy these!
1412 x DVD Screen Captures
125 x Bloopers – (Watch on Youtube)
070 x Deleted Scenes – (Watch on Youtube)
018 x The Painting (DVD Featurette)
029 x Visual Effects (DVD Featurette)
032 x Making of ‘Dorian Gray’ (DVD Extra)
002 x Publicity Stills
001 x Posters / Promotional Artwork
Source: Digital Media World
NeZayah said:Omg, i’ve been waiting for the deleted scenes since i’ve seen you post the captures of them. Thank you sooo much for posting these, Stephanie! :D
January 25th, 2010
Ally981 said:yay! awesome :) so i guess you did this update lastnight? thats a good update! :D
January 25th, 2010
Anny said:thank you sooooooooo much for all the updates, it’s great!!!
January 25th, 2010
Affy-Ann said:Thank you very much for these! I just watched Dorian Gray a few hours ago and it was a great movie! Ben Barnes did extremely well, and so did Colin Firth! =)
January 27th, 2010
mar said:hola, menudo trabajazo, tantas fotos, etc… estoy deseando de que llegue la pelicula a España. no quiero perdermela por nada del mundo
besosJanuary 27th, 2010
Kaculka said:Dorian Gray movie is amazing,great foreign…We looked at it with a friend, and we wept like turtles just go
February 18th, 2010