
‘Locked In’ Trailer (Version 2)

SixSales has updated their site with a second version of the Locked In trailer which features a ton of brand new scenes from the movie.

Watch the new trailer at the original site or on Youtube.

Edit: Screen captures from the new trailer have now been added to the gallery!

Source: 6sales.es


Ally981 said:

WOOOHOOOOOO!! GO BENJY!!! you are amazing! your acting is phenomenal! I CANT WAIT FOR THIS MOVIE!! talented, sexy and sweet, what more could a woman want in a man?? :D I LOVE LOVE LOVE HIS LOOK IN THIS MOVIE! <3

November 11th, 2009

sonia said:

this movie looks very good…..

November 11th, 2009

Casandra said:

Woow !!!Que bueno que sacaron un segundo trailer !!!! Este es mucho mejor y mas claro que el primero!!!. Ben luce genial. Me encanta la escena en que esta a punto de llorar con la muñeca de su hijita en sus manos.
Espero con ansias ver la pelicula que saldra la primavera del 2010, es decir a mediados de Mayo si no me equivoco.
Saludos a todas!!!

November 11th, 2009

Fedra said:

Well….at least they fixed the second trailer a bit more so that people can understand better what is going on.

And i will say once more, that i am glad they promote this movie long before it comes out so that people can get familiar with it. :)

November 11th, 2009

*Caroline* said:

Whohooo! I thought the first trailer was good… I don’t think so anymore after seeing this one ;) Seems like a very gripping story, hope it’ll come out in the Netherlands!

November 11th, 2009

Scarlett said:

Very nice. This cut is much clearer than the first trailer. Makes me more interested in seeing the movie.

It does look like Josh is the one who’s locked in instead of his daughter, but I hope I’m wrong. It would suck to know the ending this early on.

November 11th, 2009

Steelsheen said:

now that is a trailer.

much, much better than the first one. the story definitely makes a lot more sense but still keeps the mystery of the plot. and this definitely has that “pull” factor where you want to see whats gonna happen (and therefore will make a viewer want to go see it).

title explanation is provided in the trailer, ok fine. but “Locked In” as just as a title is still “meh” for me. it feels too plain, too unimaginative, too boring. i know they’re unlikely to change the title anymore, but thats just my feedback on the title selection for the film

jury’s still out on Ben’s accent though. he sounds American but i cant help detecting the London lilt in some of his lines there. i was trying to see if he was trying to fake a New England accent but he sounds nothing like that either, sounds more… London England :P

November 11th, 2009

kell said:

This trailer is better then the first one and I like the first one. I am real excited about seeing this movie and they say it is comming out in spring 2010. Spring isnt comming fast enough. Remember this is america we have all kind of accents and who knows he might be playing someone from England but being here for a long time he might have establish a little american in it. He might have his own american accent. We all do. Hey I am from Louisiana and we have 3 to 4 different accent in this one state alone. Maybe more. The part that gets me is when he is on the phone and his little girl talking to him.

November 11th, 2009

abish said:

This movie takes place in boston
I’ve heard that they keep the english accent.
It’s one of the oldest cities in U:S.
I’m sorry if i didn’t explain it well.
My english is bad

November 11th, 2009

Toebildonk said:

I haven’t seen Easy Virtue and Dorian Gray, so for me seeing Ben in sex scene is out of my imagination. Quite shocking to see him having passionate affair. But after seeing the complete trailer, woohoo!! I love this man. He’s unbelievably handsome, he has a fine build but he also can act.. Breathless, no able to find a correct words now..

November 12th, 2009

mar said:

me ha gustado mucho mas este otro trailer, define un poco mas la trama de la pelicula.
por otro lado estoy deseando de verla

November 12th, 2009

S said:

I completely agree that i was a little shocked to see the sex scene and I have scene both EV and DG – i think it was because it was more gritty and realistic than the other two movies which are quite stylised.

And I loved the bit where he is talking to his daughter on the phone too – you just want to give him a cuddle and comfort him… or was that just me?

I agree with the comment above about the film title but am hoping it will grow on me. Cant wait to see this. I am so glad its coming out so soon after DG

November 13th, 2009


WOOW the sex scene was disturbing and f7cking hot. Eliza is a damn lucky girl lol I think Ben is a bright actor and he gets better in each movie!!
Ben , you’ve got a fervent fan in me

November 14th, 2009

virginia said:

This trailer is better than the first one. I still can’t figure out what the story is about . it looks like a movie with a twist. I can hear his American accent more clearly. I sometimes hear his English accent coming through but I can tell it is not his own London accent. As someone pointed out, people from Boston sound a bit English and there are various American accents . I can’t tell which one he does and how good his accent is. I will go and see it but It won’t be in my DVD collection. If I like it I will be happy. If not, I won’t make a big deal about it. Ben is the reason I will go and see it.

November 17th, 2009