
Next Project: ‘I Was Bono’s Doppelgänger’

As some of you may remember, in a recent interview with Examiner.com, Ben had mentioned that his next project was going to be a comedy in Ireland. Today that film was officially announced! He will star in an Irish comedy based on Neil McCormick’s I Was Bono’s Doppelgänger and the film is set to begin shooting on January 11th, 2010 in Northern Ireland. More information below ..

Finance has closed and pre-production begun on I Was Bono’s Doppelgänger, Nick Hamm’s Irish comedy based on Neil McCormick’s autobiography. The film is being sold at the AFM by London-based Salt.

The cast is headed by Ben Barnes (Dorian Gray, The Chronicles of Narnia:Prince Caspian) and Robert Sheehan (Season of the Witch, Cherrybomb), who play hapless brothers Neil and Ivan McCormick. Together, they set up a band in Dublin in the late 70’s. Sadly for them, so do their classmates and rivals, who go on to become U2.

The film starts shooting 11th January 2010 on location in Northern Ireland with additional photography in Dublin and London.The script is written by Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais (The Commitments).

“We are thrilled to be involved in this adventure with Salt,” said Pyramide chief Eric Lagesse.”I always wanted to be a rock star but decided against it as a career for fear of ending up like the character Neil in this great script to be directed by Nick Hamm. I couldn’t help myself from buying this funny and sweet story of two brothers chasing success.”

For those who are interested, Neil McCormick’s autobiography can be purchased at Amazon.com.

Source: Screendaily.com


Katrin said:

sounds like a great movie! i wish there was any way of knowing when and where they shoot in london…

November 4th, 2009

Tahanka said:

sounds reallly good!. looking forward to see Ben in different part again, with music I suppose… What will they do with his hair ? ;) I think he has mentioned in one interview smth like , he´s getting tired of his long hair, because thay have moved the DT shooting two times. But I like his wild look :), so let´s go on :)

November 4th, 2009

Scarlett said:

I agree, it sounds like an interesting project. I know Ben could pull off the musical attributes of the role including playing an instrument.

Personally, I don’t care how they style his hair for this as long as he loses the beard. I hate it. I’m concerned that he won’t keep it neat if no one does it for him on a film set. As he said in a TIFF interview, his personal grooming routine is practically “nonexistent”. He doesn’t have to be a pretty boy on his own time but he should take care of his appearance. We don’t need another R-Patz.

Just sayin’.

November 4th, 2009

~MyMelody~ said:

this project seems really interesting ^_^ I’m happy for Ben.

November 4th, 2009

S said:

I agree that i really want to know when and where they are shooting in london so if anyone finds out please do share!

Also – totally agree that we dont need another RPatz but i dont think Ben would ever head in that direction as he seems to make an effort to keep himself neat regardless the beard. He seems quite naturally elegant… whereas Ugly Pattinson looks like he needs a bath, a haircut and a change of clothes!

Cant WAIT to hear Ben with an Irish accent! Its such a fab accent anyway that this is going to be great! And his beautiful singing voice… sigh!

November 4th, 2009

Serena said:

Interesting. Sounds like a great movie. Although i wonder if this will be another of those UK viewers only films.

As far as his hair and beard are concerned, it’s his body, his decision. He shouldn’t be judged on what he chooses to do with his appearance. In contrast with Robert Pattinson, at least Ben knows what proper hygiene is and uses it and thus cleans himself up for the red carpet and other events while doing what is required of him for a role. It’s comments like that that completely justify his desire to distance himself and maintain privacy when he isn’t working or promoting a film. He’s more than just a pretty face so a fan shouldn’t judge him entirely for his looks and little else especially since they have no control over any of it and shouldn’t be the reason that person is a fan in the first place. His looks are just the icing on the cake when his talent what got him where he is.

Personally, I think he looks great either way, long or short hair, beard or clean shaven. Neither is right or wrong and he shouldn’t be required to pick and choose based on what his fans want. No other actor out there does so why should he?

November 4th, 2009

Ally981 said:

Well said Serena! I agreed with everything you said just there.. a true fan would like him for more than just his looks! a fan who only likes him for that is not really a fan in my opinion… I cant wait to see this movie either! i do hope Ben sings! that would be so awesome! Go Ben! You are awesome! and dont care what people think of you! GOO BEENNNNNN!! LOL

November 4th, 2009

Kim said:

I totally agree with you, Serena.

Besides, the movie takes place during the 70’s so I think it’s reasonable that he would continue with the long hair and beard and I have no complaints about that.

I’m looking forward to this one! Thanks for the great update, Stephanie! :)

November 4th, 2009

Tahanka said:

I agree with you all absolutely

probably I wrote it wrong. I like Ben´s acting and himself, doesn ´t matter if has a long or short hair with/out beard. Didn´t want to start such a discussion, sorry :(.

Hope it goes outside UK…

November 4th, 2009

Sandy said:

I agree 100% with Serena…..you took the words right out of my mouth!!!!! I love Ben no matter what.

November 4th, 2009

Birte said:

I read the book and it was quite funny but also a bit sad because Neil wanted a successful band and tried so hard but never got one. :-D

Does anyone know which Neil Ben will play – I mean the book covers a bigger timeline. First Neil is around 12 in the beginning and then over 30 in the end. ;-)

November 4th, 2009

Serena said:

Without having read the book, I’m sure he will play the adult version of the character, depending on who he is cast as. They do wonders with makeup these days.

November 4th, 2009

Scarlett said:

Who’s judging? I’m just saying that I hate the beard and I hope he ditches it. And my comments about his personal hygiene stem from what Ben himself had said. I meant no ill will; I was merely voicing my opinion, something we’re all entitled to.

BTW, just because I’m not fawning all over Ben, doesn’t make me less of a fan than any of you. I like the guy, but I’m not delusional. If you don’t like hearing less-than-flowery talk about him, then stay out of the Comments section.

Thank you.

November 4th, 2009

Steelsheen said:

whoah, so the Bono movie is officially a go for Ben? wooohoo! if the movie is half as entertaining as the book this is gonna be good! :D. and if the script sucks, at least it will be full of U2 soundtracks to make it bearable lol!

for those wondering where shooting will be done, the article says: “The film starts shooting January 11 on location in Northern Ireland with additional photography in Dublin and London.” Ben also confirmed in an earlier interview that his next film after Narnia was a comedy shooting in Ireland.

i’m specially excited for this. not only is this story hilarious but this is so right up Ben’s alley. he may or may not sing in this, but i’m fully expecting that they at least show him playing at least one musical instrument. also this could be considered Ben’s self healing (self-mocking? :P) efforts at his own failed bid at a music career. i hope this is not just my excitement at a Spinal Tap-like movie for Ben, but i’m getting good vibes from this. look it has so many international distributors already. none for the US yet, but then Sony Music UK is distributing the soundtrack globally, so i have a good feeling the Sony will distribute the movie Stateside as well when the time comes.

someone mentioned the hair and the beard. love it or hate it, if they’re gonna be faithful to the 70s-80s hairstyle, there is no way Ben could get around not having a beard, long scraggly hair or a MULLET! rotfl!

now….. would Bono and/or members of U2 make an appearance? or will they cleverly edit in real footage? ooohh i’m excited just thinking about how this could all turn out. good times! :)

November 4th, 2009

Cristal said:

YAY…Another Ben Barnes movie!!!. I am soo glad for him!!.
I love Ben and U2. I am looking forward to seeing this movie.
About the beard, well i respect Scarlett´s opinion.
In my opinion, Ben looks awesome with or without the beard, but i think it´s time the guy changes his look. He might shave off his beard for looking younger at the begining of the movie. x3

November 4th, 2009

Lover of Narnia said:

This one sounds very interesting!!!!!! A comedy….A Ben Comedy!!! I can’t wait for the Irish accent….he’ll do great in it!!! And I SUPER hope he sings, I haven’t heard much of his voice, but I’m hungry for more. As with the beard and hair…..I could do with out the beard, but I can STAND it. AS with the hair…PLEASE DON”T CUT IT!!! To me…well…..I like him with it. He’s got a wonderful talent!!! Keep up the movies Ben!!!!!

November 4th, 2009

hannah said:

im so happy!!! :D:D i cant wait! i am soo excited!!

November 4th, 2009

Toebildonk said:

Finally!!! the news I’ve been waiting for… Ben as Neil McCormick.. I am pleased by his choice of roles. Variety, developing and promising.. Wish the movie would reach Asian country including Indonesia..

November 4th, 2009

Affy-Ann said:

This is great! I’m so happy Ben Barnes keeps getting more and more projects. I hope this one turns out to be an especially awesome one. Can’t wait to see it! Yay Ben Barnes! =D

November 5th, 2009

kell said:

Ben is doing great with all the different roles he is getting. I hope he keeps getting them and some in America too, so we dont have to wait to see them, or even able to see them in theaters. I would be nice to see him do a lot of movies that everyone can see. Hope we get this one it sounds great. But with U2 known all around the world I think it will go all over.

November 5th, 2009

Trisha said:

Congrats to Ben! The book looks interesting.

November 6th, 2009

Tweets that mention Ben Barnes Fan             Your Online Guide to Ben Barnes 24/7 at Benbarnesfan.com -- Topsy.com said:

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Neil McCormick and Annica, Aleh. Aleh said: RT @neil_mccormick And this is me. Can you see the resemblance? It helps if you shut your eyes. http://tinyurl.com/yl9rjof […]

November 9th, 2009

Affy-Ann said:

@kell Yeah, U2 is known all around the world. I really hope it gets released everywhere and I hope the band will help promote it and everything.

I wish I could see him on stage, too. I think that would be awesome. And I won’t be able to breathe. XD

November 10th, 2009

virginia said:

I heard he replaced Charlie Cox, another English actor who was initially cast for the role. I was glad to hear he got the role. This new project sounds very interesting. I am a fan of U2.

November 17th, 2009

casandra said:

woow Esta pelicula promete: comedia, musica rock , U2 , chicos de banda y por supuesto Ben Barnes.
Me alegra que Ben consiga papeles tan diferentes e interesantes.
Tratare de conseguirme el libro para leerlo antes de ver la peli.

Saludos a todas!!!

November 27th, 2009

Legallyblondeandlovingit said:

I know when and where they’re filming in northern Ireland . It’s in my school wallace high school Lisburn and we get 2 b extras. They’re filming fri 8th jan and sun 11 th jan from 12pm til 8pm it’s so cool he’s been in my school all day I’m loving it! And we r in it! Love ya ben!!! Xxx

January 8th, 2010

Stephanie said:

Awesome! Thank you for the info and congrats on getting to be an extra in the film!

(Any chance you’d be able to describe Ben’s look for the film? I can’t help but be curious about that. haha I hope you have the chance to meet him while he’s there, if you haven’t already! Do let us know what’s going on over there, if you can. =D)

January 8th, 2010

Ally981 said:

that would be awesome to see if we could get pics! we have not had an update in a while and it would be much appreciative :) this is great.. congrats on being an extra! :)

January 9th, 2010

Legallyblondeandlovingit said:

Well I kno it’s really retro and 70’s. I’m in again on Sunday as it’s da last day if filming in my school I’ll try and get some piccys! But his hair is still quite long!!!

January 9th, 2010

Stephanie said:

Oh, that’d be amazing if you could snap a couple pics for us .. you’re so lucky! *is jealous* I was definitely wondering about his hair for this film. Does he still have the beard as well? *is curious* (haha) Thank you again for the info .. =D

January 9th, 2010

Ally981 said:

that is AWESOME!! cant wait to see the pics :D i hope you are having fun! and i am glad his long hair still remains.. i hope his beard does too :D

January 9th, 2010