
‘Dorian Gray’ Publicity Still

Today I’ve uploaded another new Dorian Gray publicity still to the gallery, courtesy of Bloody-Disgusting.com. Thanks to Lawry for the heads up!

Follow the thumbnail below to view the full size version in the gallery.

I’ve also replaced a majority of the more recently uploaded Dorian Gray stills with HQ versions. To be more specific, the set uploaded on October 2nd. View the full set, here!

Source: Bloody-Disgusting.com


Holly said:

Thanks so much for the new still and the HQs!! :D

October 11th, 2009

Kell said:

Thanks Stephanie His eyes are so dark compaire to Colin’s. This is a very nice still. Now I don’t know how true this is but if you go on Ben’s Dorian Idbm they say that you can buy the dvd at Amazon.com when it comes out. So I am wondering if it is just coming out on dvd. I will buy it in a heartbeat, just don’t know when. It wasn’t there a few days ago. This gives me a little more hope That I will be able to see it.

October 11th, 2009

Lilly said:

Ben drives me crazy! Could he be any sexier? He is just perfect in every way. Gah!

October 11th, 2009

Gemma said:

Colin and Ben, they looked like father and son LOL.

October 12th, 2009

Ally981 said:

woooohoooooo! more beautiful Ben pics! his eyes are mesmerizing and beautiful!! I always get so lost in them! and they look so sparkly * swoon* :D thanks Steph for this and the other pics! :D

October 12th, 2009

carol said:

Guys, keep voting for Ben in poll September Hellomag

October 13th, 2009

Serena said:

They both look wonderful there.

Kell, I hadn’t noticed it listed on the US version of Amazon but the UK version does. Also, Play.com which is based out of the UK and similar to Amazon but for movies only lists the release date as Jan 18, 09 but I’m thinking they have to mean 2010 instead for obvious reasons. At the same time, I was reading an article/interview from TIFF that said they were having alot of difficulty selling it to American distributors because it’s too ‘artsy”. I hope that’s not true.

October 13th, 2009

Sandy said:

Uhttp://eventful.com/performers/dorian-gray-/P0-001-000214303-4 FOR USA FANS!! This might help!! There’s 157 people so far that have signed a “petition” to get Dorian Gray to the US!!

October 13th, 2009

Amber said:

Come on American Ben Barnes fans!! We can do it!! SIGN!! Thanks for the heads up Sandy :)

October 13th, 2009

PerezGaga said:

lol only 157

October 13th, 2009

Fedra said:

My.. my…you here.. AGAIN Perez….

you must be either REALLY obsessed with Ben and it hurts you to admit it or you have all the time in the world to waste and you have nothing else to do than visiting sites and making cheaky comments….

If you don’t like Ben just don’t go see his movies, simple as that but you have no right to make comments on his fans that wish to see his movies.

October 14th, 2009

Serena said:

Fedra, don’t feed the trolls. Just ignore them. If they are really offensive then the staff here will remove it.

October 14th, 2009

Kelly w/ a Y said:

I voted for it to come to the US. Very nice website. :)

October 14th, 2009

Serena said:

I also put in my vote btw. Am crossing fingers that it comes to the US but will settle for buying a multi-region dvd player if it comes down to that.

October 14th, 2009

Isabel said:

I love “the picture of dorian gray”, i’ve been fascinated by this book since I was a teenager, I saw every movie made for this book and when I knew there was new version coming out, I just freaked out. I was looking who was going to be Dorian and I saw Ben, he was giving an interview and i thought WOW, the man is GORGEOUS, eventhough he is not blonde with blue eyes like Dorian, it doesn’t matter because he is mighty fine for the character and for what I’ve seen he is also a good actor. I’ve seen some clips of the movie and I now want to see it so bad, unfortunately I don’t think it will be shown in my country, what a shame!!!. Anyway, i think Ben is gorgeous, simple, funny, intelligent, witty, down-to-earth,etc. I hope to see more of him in a near future, because he has a lot of potential as an actor

October 14th, 2009

Kell said:

Serena that will be just about right for it to come out. I have just bought a region free dvd player so I am ready to buy the dvd. But if it does come out in Theaters I will see it again and again. Just to see him on the big or little screen is good He is really a good actor, and I enjoy watching him.

October 14th, 2009

Scarlett said:

Well, Perez is kind of right on that one. 157 signatures is nothing. But even if it was, I doubt any online petition is going to change the executives’ minds on this. Sadly, as long as the American film market remains paranoid about the economy many films will not be bought this season. I would love to see “Dorian” myself. Here’s hoping someone will put a bootlegged copy online. Otherwise, it may be a while before we see it. Maybe not until “Dawn Treader” comes out, and only if that film is a hit. Ben’s success there might get DG released. Who knows?

October 15th, 2009

Serena said:

Yes it is true that most online petitions don’t garner the results they intend. I’m sure someone will have a bootleg copy available before long, as was done with EV. VoDT has a lot to live up to if it intends to surpass the PC media circus which, compared to other films, was really nothing. But while PC got his foot in the door with moviegoers, there were several projects he did prior that didn’t get much attention until that point. Also, there seems to be a huge difference thus far with what he’s doing with pursuing roles that have meaning to him and what viewers in general are doing with only going for the popular films. PC really wasn’t that popular, at least in the States, and it doesn’t help any that most of Ben’s films are UK and overseas viewers only so that American viewers either have to miss out entirely or go through unethical methods such as bootleg videos, etc. He’s still fairly new to the whole scene so it may be a few more years yet before his films are shown everywhere rather than limited released, or if America decides to stand by their current way of doing things, it might not ever reach that point which is unfortunate because he makes a lot better movies than the majority of America’s Sweethearts combined will ever be a part of and it’s a shame that they are so paranoid of everything outside their comfort zone that they aren’t willing to give anyone else a chance even long after they’ve proved themselves. .

October 16th, 2009

Katrin said:

hey – this comment is not related to the publicity still at all – but i was just doing some research for the critical analysis i have to write for my film class and stumbled across something that i had a good giggle about, maybe some of you fellow fans will also appreciate the irony. on ben’s bfi (british film institute) page, there is only one line in is biography and it reads “also has a band called hyrise”. yup, has – not had. wish there was a way of letting him know that the bfi only knows the one thing about him that he seems most embarrassed about…

October 17th, 2009

Serena said:

I recently heard a rumor that Sony Pictures is considering taking on the role of American distributor but that they haven’t decided for certain yet. Will be nice to find out either yes or no soon.

October 17th, 2009

*Caroline* said:

@ Katrin: that’s hilarious! I looked cause I couldn’t believe they were that stupid… And I found TWO pages for Ben. Besides the one you mentioned, there’s one without the date of birth. That biography consists of one line as well, and it says “member of S club 7” LOL

October 18th, 2009

S said:

No WAY! That is hilarious!! Do these people know who he is?!?!?!? And if not, WHY not?? Thanks for sharing that one! Nice to have a good laugh to start the day!

October 19th, 2009