
‘Dorian Gray’ Set Visit (Time Out)

Last summer, Dave Calhoun of Time Out magazine was able to visit the Dorian Gray movie set and the magazine has now published an online article about Dave’s visit to the set! Click here to read the full article.

It also includes 2 new on-set photos, which have been added to the gallery.

Source: TimeOut.com


Alina said:

what is that?O_o….on Bens smiling face on the 3rd foto?….

September 15th, 2009

Jae said:

These are great! I love set photos. Thanks for adding these!

@Alina…those dots on Ben’s face are most likely marker points for CGI editing that was added later. :)

September 15th, 2009

MK said:

it’s for adding visual effects afterwards (see the silver serving plate? remember the trailer?) his face is reflected there but as monstrous as it can (not) be, so in order to achieve that…the visual effects department applies its’ magic to make it as real as possible.

or it could be Blue blue tack pointing where to smooch the fella and he wishes the lips to stay there, totally glued XD XD XD

September 15th, 2009

*Caroline* said:

Blue-Dot-Ben… LOL!

September 15th, 2009

Steelsheen said:

Ben looks quite apprehensive on that photo at the bordello, you can see it with his body language lol.

and i must say, you dont really get to see it in the trailers, but that asian lady’s attire is actually quite nice. the headress fits it after all.

September 15th, 2009

Cam said:

I like the second pic :) Thanks for sharing!

September 15th, 2009

Lu said:

The way he is sitting in the second pic is “funny”.

September 15th, 2009

Sandy said:

Maybe Ben was cold?

September 15th, 2009

Lu said:

It looks like it… and he is really skinny…

September 15th, 2009