
‘Dorian Gray’ Interview & On-Set Photo

Thanks to Regys for the heads up about this brief interview with Ben where he talks more about Dorian Gray. Ben’s part follows Colin Firth’s interview.

Watch the video at the original site or on Youtube!

I’ve also added a new Dorian Gray on-set photo to the gallery, courtesy of Swide.com.

Source: DailyRecord.co.uk & Swide.com


Ivonne said:

You’re so quick updating :) Thank you!

September 8th, 2009

Kell said:

Thanks so much Stephanie. I am really liking his look.

September 8th, 2009

Steelsheen said:

if this from Australia, then looks like they are keeping his hair just as dark as he had for Prince Caspian.

i was starting to get worried that they lightened for no real reason.


September 8th, 2009

Kell said:

Steelsheen his hair is the same color as in PC. It depends upon the lighting. The sun will make your hair a lot lighter. I use to work for a hair salon. After coloring they will take the client ouside (if the sun was shining) to look at what the color looked like in the sun. So don’t worry it’s the same.

September 8th, 2009

MK said:

i have to say the way things are going we are getting news globally! yeah!

September 8th, 2009

Serena said:

Great interview. Colin’s interview with the Scottish lady on GMTV (I think it was?) was wonderful as well.

September 9th, 2009