
‘Dorian Gray’ Publicity Stills

Hi everyone! I’ve uploaded 3 brand new Dorian Gray publicity stills to the gallery, courtesy of thecia.com.au. Click the thumbnails below to view the photos. Enjoy!

Source: thecia.com.au


Ally981 said:

woohooo!! thanks for putting these up, Steph!!! hes amazing and so incredibly beautiful.. I love how his hair waves, and I love his genuine smile *sigh* LOL

September 7th, 2009

Kell said:

Thanks Stephanie for posting these stills. I like the last one with Dorian and Sybil they look so happy.

September 7th, 2009

Kim said:

i love the mask picture. thank you for posting these and all your hard work on keeping us updated on all things Ben!! :D

September 7th, 2009

Cam said:

Thank you so much, these are awesome. I can’t wait to watch Ben in this movie! :)

September 7th, 2009

Harriette said:

Hehe. He looks slightly drunk in the mask picture, or is that just me? These are great by the way, thankyou!

September 7th, 2009

Serena said:

Those are great. Thanks for posting. Yes he does look genuinely happy in the last one. The food on the table doesn’t look bad either. In the second picture, he does look slightly intoxicated but I wonder if it’s from the attention and whatever else is going on there. I’m sure there was probably alcohol there too.

September 7th, 2009

Kell said:

Yea Serena those strawberrs are looking real good and that looks like champane. They need to put the strawberry into the champane. That’s the way we do it in the south.

September 7th, 2009

Jaskeet said:

Thank you sooo much Stephanie
BEN BARNES is so cool
can’t wait to see DORAIN GRAY……

September 7th, 2009

Kell said:

Just wanted to say all you fans that go and see DG Wednesday enjoy and report back how it is, and wish I was with you. So enjoy

September 7th, 2009

Angela said:

Ben is , in one word , BEAUTIFUL! I love the novel Dorian Gray and I can’t wait until the movie is released. This pics are soooo amazing.
And sally981 , you are right , that genuine smile makes my knees give way.

September 7th, 2009

Trisha said:

I love the last pic too!

September 7th, 2009

Sandy said:

To KELL: I’m with you..I also live in the USA and it “kills” me that I won’t be able to see this movie on Wednesday. I wish I lived in the UK and believe me if I was there I’d be running to the 1st showing of Dorian Gray!! I’m a HUGE Ben fan and I feel sad that we don’t know when this movie will come out here, if ever. But as you said I hope Ben’s UK fans will support Ben and go watch DG. And yes, please report back to us!!! I would love to hear your opinions!!!!!

September 7th, 2009

Steelsheen said:

i’m suddenly reminded of a certain superhero with the second picture…

September 8th, 2009

varjot-virva said:

I agree with all of you concerning the last picture: … that smile …
[And it seems so honest … not acted at all. It’s just the most beautiful and honest smile I probably have ever seen … *will shut up now* XD]

And the second one … yeah … well … I somehow think that Dorian is not “drunnk” because of alcohol, but because of the attention he gets and – obviously – enjoys a lot XD

[And I am, too, one of the jealous ones here who can’t watch the movie tomorrow already ._____. I just hope it will be released on DVD quickly *sigh*]

September 8th, 2009