
‘Dorian Gray’ Movie Clip #6

I hope you all aren’t tired of these because yet another new Dorian Gray clip has surfaced! Click here to watch the new clip on Youtube.

Screen captures can be found in the gallery.

Momentum Pictures has also released a Colin Firth feature which includes a brief interview with Ben as well as a few new scenes from the movie. Watch that video here.

Source: Momentum Pictures


Mimi said:

Thank you for the clip! Wotton is so badddddddddddddd! Dorian seems so innocent and naive here, quite cute. But then Wotton’s is demoralizing him! Shame on him! He had me yelling at my comp. saying NO DORIAN DON’T LISTEN TO HIM! Lol.
Good clip though. However, all these clips are making me want to see the movie more but yet we haven’t heard of any release dates. *pouts* These clips are such a tease, lol, but I can’t help it! I must watch them!

September 4th, 2009

Mandi said:

I was always fascinated with the way that Henry Wotton could use words. It’s hard to decide who’s the demon–Harry’s words or Harry himself…

September 4th, 2009

varjot-virva said:

In the book, I think Harry himself is the “demon”, as you called him. In the movie? The way Colin plays him … it’s his words.

Very interesting scene. And I love it even more because of one thing: In the book, I never understood how Dorian could listen to all of the shit Harry is telling him. Dorian, being a good man, brought up in high society, a perfect young gentleman who is nice to look at and always polite but never raised any more attention than that … I never understood why he should all of a sudden give a damn about what Harry says and change his way of thinking and behaving this much. Only due to Harry.

But the way these two – Colin and Ben – in that scene interact … and how each of them acts individually … I so understand how Dorian changes his way of thinking and all due to what Harry says – or mainly due to HOW he says it, probably.

September 4th, 2009

Kell said:

Thanks Stephanie for loading these two clips. Just like Mimi said these clips are a tease.

September 4th, 2009

Ally981 said:

wooohoooo! more clips!! I really hated Henry too!! he made me so mad! LOL poor Dorian lol. I thought Ben was sooo cute :D

September 4th, 2009

Trisha said:

Awww! Poor Dorian

September 4th, 2009

Fedra said:

Thanks for this new clip. It is amazing.

As much as i love Ben, i must admit that in this clip Colin Firth’s acting is stuning! He has so much power and he is so intense that he scares you but at the same time you are in awe.

I can understand why Dorian fell under the spell of Henry Wotton. When you are so young and naive and innocent as Dorian was, it is so easy for someone with such strong personality and commading presence to carry you away and in a way convince you that his whole philosophy ( about the persue of pleasure ) is the right one.

I guess Dorian admired Henry so much and he could not escape the power that Henry ( or Henry’s words) had over him and that is why he embrassed his way of thinking and living by taking it way too far though.

i can’t wait to see the film..honestly..i am counting days like a convict that awaits his release!!

September 4th, 2009

Andrea said:

Get tired?!?!? Hell no, keep them coming!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Stephanie!! Love Ben’s beautiful dark eyes. *sigh*

September 4th, 2009