
‘Into the Hoods’ backstage and ‘Bigga than Ben’ Clip

Hello everyone!

As I mentioned in my previous update, Ben was seen backstage of “Into the Hoods” in London on August 6th. I have added 2 HQ pictures (high quality is so much better, right?) to our gallery in which he is posing with Shaun Miles and Roger Davie.

Make sure to check this video out. It’s a clip about “Bigga than Ben” from a Russian Network, in it you can hear Ben speaking some Russian, it’s rather interesting! Credit goes to GraceMarieKelly who uploaded it to Youtube.

Thanks to Pale, we now know he says “We will steal products and sleep under the bridge!”.

Have a nice day!


Jutta said:

Thanks a lot for posting =)
but unfortunately I only managed to “interpret” in the meaning of “recognize” a few words, as I’ve never learned to understand Russian…
is anybody so sweet to translate?
…just out of curiosity… ;)

Big hug in advance

August 11th, 2008

Anya Tovmasyan said:

Oh my goodness… It is so funny for me, because I am from Russia.

August 11th, 2008

Lady Scarlett said:

Very cool clip, I could understand Ben Barnes, Prince Caspian and blockbuster, lol.
And ben has such a cool bag too lol.
thankies for this

August 11th, 2008

tishah said:

omg. he just continues to amaze us.. what other languages does he know besides russian, french and a little of japanese? Don’t tell me he knows portugese, spanish or some other languages i haven’t heard off O_O


August 11th, 2008

tatiana said:

I think Ben had that particular phrase memorized…it looks like Andrei Chadov (Spiker) was a bit surprised, too. :)
Thanks for posting the photos and video!

August 11th, 2008

Zarine said:

Wow, BB sure is multi-talented… I can’t believe he can speak French too!! Cool!!! Could someone pleasebe nice enough to translate that? Would be really helpful :)

August 11th, 2008

by Irene said:

I am from Russia. And Ben talking in Russian – it is super!!

August 11th, 2008

Aliya said:

Irene, what is he saying? Do you know?

August 11th, 2008

Juliana said:

Hehe, Ben talking russian is cool! Thanks Ivonne for post the photos and the video! :)

August 11th, 2008

Annabelle said:

I saw BTB in Brooklyn and met the director. Too bad Benny wasn’t there! He was so great in the movie!

August 11th, 2008

Sarah said:

I had a dream last night that you posted an update saying Ben got bored one weekend and came on this website for a look. Haha, completely random, I know.

August 11th, 2008

Naiya Chhabra said:

he is talented good luck ben

August 12th, 2008

Pale said:

He says: “We will steal products and sleep under the bridge!”

August 12th, 2008

Aliya said:

Thanks Pale, and thnaks Ivonne for posting!

August 12th, 2008

Jutta said:

Thanks a lot for the translation, Pale =)

ahemm… well then….
“Good night, Ben!” ;)

August 12th, 2008

Jacinta said:

Thanks for the update!! LOVE the new layout, by the way! ;-) And I’m surprised to hear that Ben could speak that phrase so perfectly! Thank you to GraceMarieKelly who uploaded it on youtube! ;-)

August 13th, 2008

Foraken Witchery said:

OMG, he is so nice)) But for me (I’m from Russia), it sounds a little funny. How can I see, he understand that. ;) I’m going to look out something else (cause I was conquered by this phrase)

August 13th, 2008

Lina said:

Oh,that’s really nice video!Thank you for posting it!if someone needs translation,I can clearly do it!

August 16th, 2008