
Narnia Blog Video Screen Captures

Hello everyone,

I have made screen captures of the video posted below. I will upload the video to the site for visitors to download very soon! Anyway, the captures are unfortunately low quality, when I get better quality, I will upload them.


Thank you for visiting the website!


Nessa said:

AWESOME!!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!!

August 20th, 2007

lydia said:

Hey cool site!!!! I don’t really like the layout though, he looks like a scuzz in the pix!!!! Do a caspian layout!!! *Swoon*

September 13th, 2007

Amanda said:

the new Prince Caspian poster (http://i2.tinypic.com/4mx1naw.jpg) is pretty hot :)

September 17th, 2007

Tasha said:

ahh! I was so happy to find a Ben Barnes fansite. I saw Stardust a while back and thought that young Dunstan was pretty cute. But when I saw that Prince Caspian poster… wow. I am way more excited for that movie now. So keep up the good work!

September 19th, 2007

Hannah said:

Hi! thanks 4 makin a site. hes such a cutie. and british!! x] i cant wait 2 see him in the new prince caspian. i knew i reconigized him from stardust!! hes gonna be very popular once prince caspian is out. ;]
the fansite will be extremly popular soon. lol. all the girls will be dieing to see pictures and videos!
good luck! xo

December 31st, 2007