
‘Westworld’ 1×09 Screen Captures

Our gallery has been updated with screen captures from episode 9 of ‘Westworld’ (titled “The Well-Tempered Clavier”). Watch the promo for episode 10 (season finale) here.

Gallery Link:
363 x Westworld > 01×09 – “The Well-Tempered Clavier” (Screen Captures)


Carol said:

Ben’s back so West-World is complete again – what else can you wish for ;P

November 28th, 2016

Dianna said:

Holding my heart tight for next week. Will Logan survive?
Thanks Stephanie for the stellar screenshots. :D

November 28th, 2016

Marie said:

Yay, it’s great to see so many caps again! Thanks a lot for your work Stephanie! :D

I was fearing this scene between Logan and Dolores, but it went beyond my expectations… Kept me on the edge of my seat!
It’s funny, I have more sympathy for Logan now that William has gone to the dark side… or has he really?… :p
*End of spoiler*

It was one of the best episodes so far, incredible acting from the entire cast!
Patiently waiting for the finale and lighting up a little candle for Logan, hopefully we’ll see him in season 2…. please? :)

November 28th, 2016

Elizabeth Anne said:

Wow I was so happy when I saw so much of Logan in this latest episode. I’m so in awe of Ben’s performance, which is incredible! I think Logan’s favorite episode is also my favorite episode. Thanks Stephanie for these amazing pictures too.

November 29th, 2016

CindyDakin said:

This episode was the best one in my opinion, but I hope the final will be even better. So excited for episode 10!!

November 29th, 2016

F2write said:

90-minute Finale. Woo-hoo!

November 29th, 2016

dianna said:

Praying praying praying for Logan not to die next week.
People were asking this in the livechat yesterday but he didn’t blink ! lol
probalby not allowed to give the outcome of his character..
Is it sunday yet? lol

November 30th, 2016