
‘Westworld’ 1×04 Screen Captures

Screen captures from episode 4 of ‘Westworld’ (titled “Dissonance Theory”) have been added to our gallery. You can also watch promo for next week’s episode here.

Gallery Link:
178 x Westworld > 01×04 – “Dissonance Theory” (Screen Captures)


Carol said:

Beautiful as always! Thanks, Stephanie for this pics!
Logan has a mesmerizing smile! :)

October 24th, 2016

Carol said:

*these pics! I’m sorry!

October 24th, 2016

LaRose said:

another great episode. Thanks for the screen shots Stephanie!

October 24th, 2016

dianna said:

Thanks a lot, Stephanie.
Logan sure is a first class sociopath, isn’t he?
Ben does an excellent job portraying this douchebag lol
I was also impressed how he juggled his gun..

October 24th, 2016

CindyDakin said:

Ben is just fantastic as Logan!!
And Westworld is getting better and better.
Can’t wait to see the next episode after my London trip..really
want to know what will happen to Logan.

October 24th, 2016

cheryl said:

Loving this show! I wish Logan had been written as less of a caricature, but Ben’s doing the best with what they gave him. He looks like he’s having SO much fun, though, and I think he and Jimmi have great chemistry. I want them to make a road trip buddy movie after this. ;)

October 24th, 2016

F2write said:

@Cheryl They DO have great chemistry and it’s fun to see the role reversal. Ben’s taking “pathos” and “creep” to the next level. Jimmi’s been there, done that. So much fun to watch!

On any given night, I’m vacillating between WW and Black Mirror, so my mind’s definitely getting in more twists than a Bavarian pretzel!

October 25th, 2016

LaRose said:

Cheryl- I love road trip movies. That would be such a blast if Jimmi and Ben did one.

Who else loved the part of WW where they burst into the saloon and Logan yells the obscenity? lol.

October 25th, 2016

Louise said:

Is ben Barnes getting good reviews for his Logan role? I read some of the reviews but sometimes I can not figure out it is a bad or a good review due to my lack of knowledge of American tv and my school English. For example the Drew Grant review New York observer (ep4) talks about Consuela, Rich Dicks and pretty zombies? What does it mean?. Then Scan T CollinsRolling stones (ep4) doesn’t seem to like his one dimensional character at all.

What do you think?

October 25th, 2016

Carol said:

The latest picture (stunt training for The Punisher) is absolutely stunning! I’m glad to see some activity on this project!

October 25th, 2016

Marie said:

Logan and his potty mouth… :) I can’t wait for the next episode, it seems he’s gonna get what he deserves. *lol* But I hope he doesn’t get killed off too early. He’s kind of the “comic relief” of the show since all the storylines are pretty tense and serious, we know that when Logan is around we’re gonna laugh and love hating him. ;)

So happy to see Ben is getting those “guns” working on The Punisher set, he looks like a real soldier already. :)

October 26th, 2016