
Karl Urban & Ben Barnes Go Into ‘Overdrive’

Another new project! Karl Urban and Ben Barnes have been cast as car-thief brothers in the France-set actioner, Overdrive. Filming begins October 29th.

Karl Urban and Ben Barnes have been cast as car-thief brothers in the France-set actioner Overdrive. Antonio Negret (Seconds Apart) is directing the project, which was written by Derek Haas and Michael Brandt.

Pierre Morel, whose kidnapping thriller Taken was a surprise success in 2008, is producing along with Haas and Brandt. Filming begins October 29 in Marseilles.

Urban, who plays Bones in the revamped Star Trek franchise, and Barnes, who plays Prince Caspian in the Chronicles of Narnia series, will play adventurous siblings who find more trouble than they are looking for in the South of France.

Source: Hollywood Reporter


arly said:

oh wow, sounds really interesting.. thanks !!!

October 25th, 2011

Nicole L. said:

YAY, a new role!!! let’s hope it’s released relatively soon (at least by sometime next year!)

congrats Ben!! :) <3

October 25th, 2011

Kathy Mikolay said:

Great for Ben! It’s awesome to know that he’s getting roles and busy and everything. Just wish there was more of his work seen over here in the US!!!!!

October 25th, 2011

Zus said:

OH! Two of my favorite men! Thanks for the news! Can’t wait to see this one! so when is he filming the seventh son?

October 25th, 2011

Nightshade said:

Oh wow! Now we know how he will be filling in the gap from now till filming TSS in March!

So this new film begins shooting in about 3 days – in France?

October 25th, 2011

Nightshade said:

In my delight and excitement I didn’t read it properly! So he will be in Marseille in a couple of days!

And with lovely Eomer aka Karl Urban :)

October 25th, 2011

Kelly said:


Cant wait for set photos =D

October 25th, 2011

Carlie said:

FINALLY!!!! The happy day has come! *opens champagne*
Thank you, Steph! <3

October 25th, 2011

Leah said:

OOOOMMMMMGGGGGGG! What a f*king project! Ben & Karl, it’s just… just… #thereisnowordtodescribe. I’ll be watching out for that!

October 25th, 2011

yees said:

i really want to see Ben again .. he is a really good actor

October 25th, 2011

FL said:

finally he got the guns and big cars, woohoo!!! ah, now I know why he keeps his hair short and his biceps big…car thieves need to have some ‘edge’ if u know what i mean, LOL!

October 25th, 2011

Kell said:

Thanks Steph I am so glad he got another part. Next year I think we will be spending a lot of time in the theaters with Ben.

October 25th, 2011

Nat said:

It sounds great! I love to see Ben’s characters getting in trouble! It’s great to hear that he is getting different roles that will explore his acting ability to its full potential, rather than wasting his talent on just taking ANY role, which I’m glad he doesn’t. He has been so wonderfully different in every role so far and there is so much more he can do given the chance =)

October 25th, 2011

kulotz said:

@ Nat: i totally agree with you. its really exciting to think that ben is getting various roles for different genre of movies. i do believe that this is all because the casting groups may have seen all his movies and noticed what his amazing talents really consist of. he did a fantasy-action movie, horror-suspense, drama, and comedy. he almost tasted everything. and he did good in all of those.

thanks to all film makers for giving ben the chance to show his talent to the world. he is not just a man with a pretty face. he has talent that no other hot guy has. he is more than a “face”. He is “THE FACE” with a talent. And thanks for making all of his fans happy.

Thanks Steph for this very thrilling news!!!! luv yah! Il look forward to this.

October 25th, 2011

witchyeditor said:

BEN! So happy for him! Remember he said he wanted to do something with a gun and a fast car..lol.

And Karl Urban! Love him! Two hotties, one movie..this is gonig to be great!

October 25th, 2011

JM said:

OMG He is playing a bad guy again …ohhh loving it

October 25th, 2011

Kelly said:

@Carrie, pour me a glass

October 25th, 2011

Helaine said:

Yaaay, I’m so so so happy for Ben!! That’s wonderful news! Thank you so much, Steph! You made my day! :D

@Witchyeditor – LOL so true!! He must be very happy now! :P

October 25th, 2011

FL said:

more abt the plot

“a pair of handsome and adventurous brothers, known for being high-profile car thieves, who travel to the South of France looking for new challenges and come across a tough local crime boss.”


October 25th, 2011

Helaine said:

@FL – Thanks for the link! :D

October 25th, 2011

Jem said:

Thanks Steph!! So sweet thing to wake up.. what a great way to start!! Can’t wait for this movie and they will be starting shooting on the 29th!! hmmmm…. Karl and Ben in one movie, cool!!! and it’s a dream come true for Ben – big gun and fast car!! I’m so happy for him… totally!!

Googling Ben now shows the drought season has already gone… go go go Ben!!!

October 25th, 2011

Sandra said:

Oh WOW! :)
When Fandoms Collide
Emilia Clarke and Ben Barnes!

October 26th, 2011

Dina said:

This is great news! Glad to hear that Ben is getting lots of projects! This is what the new, shorter hair must be for! Ben had wanted to do such a role as Witchyeditor mentioned! :)

October 26th, 2011


O Jak mi?o to super ?e ben ma now? produkcje mam nadzieje ?? w tej roli si? sprawdzi bo ogl?daj?c “Bigga Than Ben” zagra? znakomicie rosyjskiego kieszonkowca a taka produkcja jak ta no to b?dzie co ogl?da?

October 26th, 2011

Maiamai said:

Thank you Steph and FL! Exciting news indeed… and let´s hope that someone will be able to snag som pictures from the shooting, because I suppose this means we´ll get no appearance at the KB US premiere.

So… road trip to Southern France anyone?! I did that three years ago myself and went to Marseille, great city! I wouldn´t mind going back :o)

October 26th, 2011

Phyllis said:

I realized that Ben Barnes has been taking over a lot of Alex Pettyfer’s projects.. Which is a good thing for Ben Barnes and his fans! =D Can’t wait for this movie! Ben Barnes and Eomer! =D

October 26th, 2011

Marcela said:

Action or Comedy movie? Or both? Interesting! :)

October 26th, 2011

Stephanie said:

Marcela: IMDB has it listed as an action / thriller .. :)

October 26th, 2011

*Caroline* said:

Whoosh whoosh! Now that is some VERY good news! I have a strange feeling 2012 will be a very nice year for Barnians :D

Thanks for finding all the news and pics, Steph!

October 27th, 2011

helena said:

OMG :DDD i’m sooo happy right now…looks like we have a lot to expect next year :))))

October 28th, 2011

Ben Barnes e Karl Urban no elenco do filme "Overdrive" | My British Delight said:

[…] Fontes: Ben Barnes Fan | The Hollywood Reporter  Tradução: Narnian Queen […]

January 25th, 2012