
New Layout!

G’day everyone!

Ben Barnes Fan is finally sporting a new layout! This is version six for the fansite, and I hope everyone likes it. Personally, I liked the previous layout more, but since that has been up for a very long time, I thought it may be time for a change.

Thanks for visiting, and I hope everyone had a good weekend!

12 Commented

August 2008 Photo

G’day visitors,

Another month means another Caption It! game. For this month – August – I have chosen a photo of Ben in the film production “Bigga Than Ben”! For those who are unfamiliar with the game, you simply make suggestions of what you think Ben is thinking or saying, and it must relate to the photo given.

To make captions, simply make a comment to this entry.

23 Commented

Happy Birthday Ivonne!

Hello everyone,

I wanted to wish Ivonne a very very happy and joyous birthday, and I hope you all wish her a happy birthday too! Why? Well without Ivonne, the site would not have the amazing updates as it does, without her your emails will never be answered, and without her, the site will lack the fun spirit that she provides in her updates. So happy birthday Ivonne!

Thanks for reading everyone!

55 Commented

UK Television Dates and Times

Howdy everyone,

Big thanks to Heather for emailing me some details of Ben appearing on UK television! So, this update really applies to British residents only.


11 Commented

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