
Lionsgate Acquires ‘The (Big) Wedding’

Lionsgate has acquired US and UK distribution rights to the ensemble comedy, The Wedding. The film will be released in North America on October 19, 2012.

Lionsgate has acquired U.S. and U.K. distribution rights to ensemble comedy ‘The Big Wedding’ from Nu Image / Millenium films.

Lionsgate plans to open the film domestically on Oct. 19, 2012. The announcement was made jointly Tuesday.

Cast includes Robert De Niro, Susan Sarandon, Diane Keaton, Katherine Heigl, Amanda Seyfried, Robin Williams, Ben Barnes and Topher Grace. It’s currently shooting in Greenwich, Ct.

‘Wedding’, written and directed by Justin Zackham, centers around De Niro and Keaton’s characters, a long divorced couple being forced to pretend that they are still happily married at their son’s wedding.

Source: Variety.com


allycat said:

nice!! good to know this info :P thanks! looking forward to this movie

August 2nd, 2011

Helaine said:

Now that we have a release date for USA, I can start praying for a Brazilian release date… lol

August 3rd, 2011

Helen said:

Well, now all we can do is just wait. Hope I can see it in Russia :D

August 4th, 2011

nadia said:

thanks…goog information.I’m anxious for a Brazilian release date….!!!!

August 9th, 2011

"The Big Wedding": Estreia norte-americana + Candids | My British Delight said:

[…] Fonte: Ben Barnes Fan […]

January 25th, 2012

Maya said:

October?! Gosh! Can’t wait!!! >_< :)))

February 4th, 2012