
‘Dawn Treader’ Interviews

Here are a few more Voyage of the Dawn Treader press interviews that have shown up online in recent weeks. Click the links below to watch the videos!

The rest of the interviews can be found at the following:

Ben Barnes On His Latest Role (Canada AM)
‘Voyage of the Dawn Treader’ Interview With Ben Barnes (MBC)

A few brief interview clips can also be found here, here, here, here and here.


Ana said:

@Bleep – Well, what actually made me laugh and always does, are your comments about his chest and “screaming” that you want to marry him and even these crazy sexual references, you seem all so crazy for him… lol…

Anyway, you surely fall under the category of the funny ones, not the crazy, but there are a few here that are surely nuts… LOL!!! =D

And happy New Year, again… thanks for the new pictures and the interviews Steph… and Shunrei =)

January 2nd, 2011

DW said:

@kell-Thanks, that was sweet!

January 2nd, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka Bleep!) said:

To DW aka Caspian’sPrincess/hockeymom:

“Bleep, you’re a sweetie! Thanks for being you!”

*;O that is the nicest compliment someone can give another! There’s nothing better than being thanked for being yourself!

Aww, DW, YOU’RE A SWEETIE! Thank you *u* xOxoXo and thanks for even remembering or thinking of me!!! *;O you’re really REALLY sweet! X_X

I visit the IMDB boards sometimes but I don’t join IMDB or Forums (and especially Facebook) because I get lost and I don’t think I’ll be good at keeping up with things there *;p that’s why I just stick to simple commenting or tweeting LOL! *incompetent!*

“I noticed one of the other sites (I think a partner site to this one) posted my adventures on their front page and linked to my flickr! Gosh, it’s all over the web now. A bit embarrassing!”

I agree with Kell! You have nothing to be embarrassed about! You had an amazing experience with Ben actually talking to you one on one, human to human, and you shared it with us! That’s wonderful! And I don’t see how Ben wouldn’t like you sharing how human he is! So its all good! :)

To Ana:
HAhaha! Yeah those were funny!!! *XD I think I ACTUALLY laughed at those too! *;D

“Anyway, you surely fall under the category of the funny ones, not the crazy, but there are a few here that are surely nuts… LOL!!! =D”

Phew! Good to hear! *XD woo! *(o_o) thanks!!! *XD

January 3rd, 2011

Ana said:

@Bleep – Who haven’t? It’s so hilarious how people get involved with the idea of one person, how they imagine them… it’s amazing, that’s why i love psychiatry so much… it’s incredible how mysterious people are… their minds…

Anyway, my dear, you REALLY are a sweetie and a funny girl… who wouldn’t love you? I’m sure Ben Barnes would love to meet you… you surely fit on his standards of a person with sense of humor… =) Keep being yourself!!! That’s why we love you… ;-)

January 3rd, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

To Ana:
“It’s so hilarious how people get involved with the idea of one person, how they imagine them…”
>>haha! I am one of them! *;o
>>Interesting that you’re into psychiatry (0_0) …the mind is a mysterious place… *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

“Anyway, my dear, you REALLY are a sweetie and a funny girl…”
>>Thank you! *;D)

“who wouldn’t love you? I’m sure Ben Barnes would love to meet you… you surely fit on his standards of a person with sense of humor…”
>>That’s so nice! You’re TOO sweet Ana! *XD But the question remains–do we have the SAME sense of humor!!? *8) haha! What’s funny to me & you might not be funny to him! *;o LOL! *XD

“=) Keep being yourself!!! That’s why we love you… ;-)”
>> I didn’t know you guys loved me!? haha! *XD Thanks for the love!!! *;D)


oxoXOXoxo *;]

January 4th, 2011

Ana said:

Yes i am into psychiatry, it’s one of my favourite areas in nursing, because it has so much to discover yet… and i love the fact more than techniques, it’s communication that actually helps people that have psychiatric problems.

And you don’t have to thank so much… xD, you really are a sweetie.

Well, that can be true, but then again, a person with sense of humor accepts every kind of humor, it’s not something they can choose… and it’s impossible for everyone to like the same things… it is the mystery and the different things from each other that are actually attractive. That’s why we usually fall in love with those that are completely different from us. I’m sure Ben Barnes would agree with me. What matters is that you’re a good person and can make people smile. =)

Dear one, have a great rest of day!! =D

xoxoXOXoxo!!! =P

January 4th, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

This is late to repy, but ok dear Ana, I won’t thank you *;] hihi…

ahh yes… the different & mysterious are so attractive! *u*

hope you have a great day too! :)


January 9th, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

correction!!! ‘reply’ not ‘repy’ D;*

January 9th, 2011