
Upcoming Video Archive

G’day visitors!

Yesterday night I opened a video archive for Ben Barnes Fan! There aren’t many videos, in fact, I’ve only had time to upload two videos, but soon Sam and I will put up more videos for everyone to download! Earlier today, I uploaded: The Sauce and the “Bigga Than Ben” trailer.

Currently only .FLV video files are available for those two videos, I will convert them to .WMV or .AVI files soon, so non-FLV downloaders can view them.


Savana said:

oh my goodness! Ben Barnes… Why are so many girls after him?? can you ladies plz realize that you don’t know him, nor does he know you! I admit, he’s pretty darn hott… but still… and if I had the chance to go out with him.. i would! but whatever.. lol =]

June 3rd, 2008