
First Trailer For ‘Westworld’

The first official trailer for ‘Westworld’ has been released. Check out the TV version and the online version in our video archive. ‘Westworld’ premieres this October on HBO.

Video Links:
‘Westworld’ – Trailer (#1) (TV Version)
‘Westworld’ – Trailer (#1) (Online Version)


Dianna said:

Ah looks interesting esp the tv trailer. Is that Ben in the orgy?

June 19th, 2016

LaRose said:

I knew I wasn’t going crazy. There are two versions!! That is Ben in the orgy. I can’t wait for this to premiere!!!!!

June 19th, 2016

Tiffany said:

Is anyone else excited that this is only THREE months away?!!!!!!! Can NOT WAIT!!! So excited!! The cast is filled with many of my favorite actors…this will be Amazing!!!

June 20th, 2016

Dianna said:

LaRose I already thought so that he was in the orgy scene. Don’t think he’s in the online trailer though. I doubted first with the kissing scene but pretty sure now it’s not him there.
And Stephanie, a big thank you for sharing these clips with us !!!
What would we do without you !

June 20th, 2016

CindyDakin said:

The other guy who looks like Ben in the trailer is Rodrigo Santoro…brilliant actor. I kinda loved him in the movie with Antonio Banderas “The 33”.
Can’t wait to see more of Ben in Westworld and also excited to see Rodrigo. Westworld will be an amazing Show..pretty sure about that!! :)

June 20th, 2016

Marie said:

The trailer looks very impressive! :O And not just because Ben is “having fun” with some female robots. ;p I’m really curious to see how the science fiction and the Western genres are gonna be mixed together in the series.
As usual, a HUGE thank you to you Stephanie for recording the trailer for us, YOU ROCK! ;) *hugs*

June 20th, 2016

Christine said:

Thanks Stephanie!!! Waiting till October!??

June 21st, 2016

Carol said:

Great trailer(s)!!
I’m looking forward to see Westworld and not only for Ben but for the whole series. :P :)

June 21st, 2016

F2write said:

I can confirm that’s Rodrigo Santoro kissing Thandie Newton in the other trailer. A similar shot is in my EW mag with the credit.

Ben obviously makes fine onscreen orgy material – it’s his second go-around at it (Dorian Gray). Experience may have have been weighted in his favor regarding his role cast…jk! :) LOL! Seriously, though, we all know his talent and alluring onscreen presence can’t be denied.

I’ve been a fan of Crichton’s Westworld and the genre since I was a kid. This is gonna be a game changer!

June 27th, 2016

CindyDakin said:

It is definitely Rodrigo. But there are some fans who think I am a liar because they are pretty sure that it’s Ben.
Really hope we’ll see a lot more of Ben’s talent in Westworld..haha

June 27th, 2016

F2write said:

Yes, Cindy…a LOT more! ;P

June 27th, 2016