
Ben To Attend San Diego Comic-Con 2011

Today Legendary Pictures announced that Ben will attend Comic-Con 2011 on Friday, July 22, in San Diego to promote his upcoming film, The Seventh Son.

Legendary Entertainment will be making its first trip to Comic-Con this year with a massive panel highlighting the studio’s highly-anticipated slate, including Guillermo del Toro’s ‘Pacific Rim’, horror film ‘The Seventh Son’, Alex Proyas’ ‘Paradise Lost’ and the video game adaptation ‘Mass Effect’.

Oscar-winner Jeff Bridges (‘Crazy Heart’, ‘True Grit’) and Ben Barnes (‘Chronicles of Narnia’) will be on hand to discuss their period horror film ‘The Seventh Son’, alongside Alicia Vikander and director Sergei Bodrov.

The panel will take place Friday, July 22.

For more information, and the full schedule, head on over to the SDCC website!

Source: Collider.com & HitFix.com


?MK? said:


July 22nd, 2011

Cassandra said:

WOW its me or Ben has gained some weight.??O_o
Well skinny or not He is hot x3.
Thanks Mk for the pic

July 22nd, 2011

Shunrei said:

Thanks for the pics @?MK? :)
There aren’t any video? :(

July 22nd, 2011

JM said:

He has bulked up…WOW :D I won’t complain …he is working the bulk nicely :)

July 22nd, 2011

?MK? said:

wish I was there, i just found the pics on twitter :( if anyone has a clip, he/she better share it with us!!!

July 22nd, 2011

Dina said:

Yay some pictures! Ben seems to have cut his hair shorter and he looks great! Can’t wait for more stuff from today. :)

July 22nd, 2011

JM said:

FYI ….I noticed someone had posted they had seen “Killing Bono ” on you tube . You can also watch “Bigga Than Ben ” on you tube.

July 22nd, 2011

FL said:

direct quotes from Ben:


Barnes said he’s “absorbed in the images,” as he hasn’t actually seen them yet!

“I’m a little flabbergasted by these!”

“Sergei’s film Mongrol is such a beautifully shot film. You hear about a wizard or apprentice and think you maybe have seen before, but when I read this I knew this was something no one had seen before”


July 22nd, 2011

FL said:

more abt the film from the above link:


Sergei said “We want to make something very special, very cool”

Crazy concept art up on screen right now

Looks like a very deep fantasy movie, possibly post-apocalyptic too..

Bridges said he “tried to push this role away, but something grabbed me about it”

“There’s a wonderful story, it’s quite unusual”

“It takes a lot of twists and turns you’re not expecting.”

July 22nd, 2011

Heather#2 said:

LOVE the pictures!! Thanks to you guys for posting them and updates. He looks soooo young with that short hair, LOL!! But beautiful, as always! :-) Thanks again! I wish I could have been there. I’d love to meet Jeff Bridges, too.

July 22nd, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

Thanks MK! Ben does look Bigga! *XD But he doesn’t look fat… he looks fit! Maybe he’s working out *;D or maybe it’s just the angle of the screen or his tan. Whatever it is he’s lookin’ fresh! :)

Thanks FL! I’m gettin’ excited about the film! I hope it’s really good! Can’t wait! I want to read these books too! ;D

July 22nd, 2011

Cynthia said:

Wowza!!! Love that pic of him at comic-con….absolutely breathtaking….love that he is no longer that skinny!! Did you all know there is another new Ben fansite? I thinks it’s Benbarnesworld.com. That’s like a total of 4. Yay Ben!!

July 23rd, 2011

Kell said:

Thats the first thing I notice is how fit he is. He looks different. Have to check out the new site.

July 23rd, 2011

Cynthia said:

@Kell Yeah…different in a good way!! I must admit I’m getting used to the short hair….I was a die hard for long haired Ben….but this look is winning me over!! It took me a LONG while though to get there!! :)

July 23rd, 2011

Kell said:

@Cynthia: Still love the long hair. I just like long (not to long) on guys. He just looks so good in that photo. I hope someone got a video of it. Love to hear him talk too

July 23rd, 2011

Heather#2 said:

I discovered this fan site the other day: http://www.benbarneswebsite.com/

July 23rd, 2011

Helaine said:

Yet another fansite? Why would I visit another one if everything I want I find here?

July 23rd, 2011

JN said:

Just saw this from twitter: (If you scroll down there’s a few pics of him and the panel. ) I wish I was there!


July 23rd, 2011

Krystal said:


Totally agree with you…IF IT AIN’T BROKE DON’T FIX IT. BBF has been there time and time again with the most up to date information regarding Ben’s career. Why would someone venture to another site that basically takes everything from BBF and blatantly posts pics, scans, etc. as if it was theirs originally?

Not my cup of tea!!!

July 23rd, 2011

KeyKey2DaBenz (aka bleep!) said:

Thanks JN *:D

July 23rd, 2011

Krystal said:

I’d go a step further and ask all subscribers of BBF to refrain from posting other sites here. Where is your loyalty? Thanks! :)

July 23rd, 2011

Carlie said:


Ehem…don’t you think advertising another BB’s site on BBF is, to put it mildly, unacceptable?

@Helaine, Krystal

I couldn’t agree more. Not only it takes BBF’s photos, it also asks to credit her site when posting them. Some ppl have no shame.

July 23rd, 2011

*Caroline* said:

So, HockeyMom, are you back from ComicCon yet? Been lucky and met Ben again? Would love to see some reports & pics! :D

July 23rd, 2011

bernadette said:

Thanks for all the new pics.Ben looks really good and healthy.:)) I checked out over a thousand photos from Comic Con gallery and not a single photo of Ben or Jeff,so thanks again!

July 23rd, 2011

Heather#2 said:

I never said “go and visit this other fansite” I was merely pointing out its existence. Sorry for offending your fragile sensibilities. Get over yourselves.

July 23rd, 2011

witchyeditor said:

How is it that he just keeps getting better and better looking??

So excited for this movie! From the concept art it looks like it’s going to be amazing!

July 23rd, 2011

Hana said:

@Carlie @Helaine @Krystal
absolutely agree with you girls. Steph is providing us with excellent service here. Many thanks Steph!!!

tell me, I would love to see his passport pic. It is defiinitely getting older instead of him. Ben looks younger and fresher every day

July 23rd, 2011

abish said:

He has bulked up. Ben looks better every time I see him :)

July 23rd, 2011

Nightshade said:

Agreed, Steph works so hard to keep BBF the best!

I don’t think he looks any bulkier, just healthy … he did say that after Birdsong he had lost a lot of weight so I think he is just back to his normal self! Wish he would grow the hair again, but then that is not important! He is looking really gorgeous.

@Hana I would love to see his passport photo too … you can imagine it might be of an old man :) Seriously, I wonder if his passport photo is hideous like everyone else’s (however beautiful the person why is it that passport photos are always dreadful?) … I just can’t imagine an awful photo of Ben :)

July 23rd, 2011

Hana said:

agree @Nighshade Ben looks healthy and relaxed

July 23rd, 2011

Amber said:

OMG!! You people are something else! We should support ALL Ben fan sites! BECAUSE SUPPORTING THEM IS SUPPORTING BEN!! They all have the same photos–BBOnline and BBSource–did they all “steal” fromm BBF? Do you have proof?

@Krystal This site is free isn’t it? Well, the last time I checked anyway! I didn’t SUBSCRIBE to it.

@Krystal and Carlie–like someone already posted get over yourselves!!!!

Yes, totally agree–BBF is the best Ben site, but you shouldn’t put down the other Ben sites. We should be grateful that Ben is loved by many and that there are people out there willing to take the time and effort into making a website for him. You shouldn’t be trashing them!!!

That’s exactly why I don’t post on here anymore—people like you! You are acting like children.

@ Krystal again—where is your loyalty? I’m a Ben fan and visit ALL his fansites—that’s what a true Ben fan does!!!

July 23rd, 2011

Cynthia said:

I visit and comment on other fansites…..nothing wrong with that. I’m loyal to Ben, not one particular fansite…..though BFF is the best one. :)

July 23rd, 2011

Cynthia said:

@Cynthia Better be careful, they might kick you out of the almighty exclusive BBF club!!! BBF may be the best Ben site, but it’s not the only one.That’s my point. It would really hurt my feelings if I had a Ben site and nobody visited the site. And as I recall, many of the people that post here have posted on BBonline. Talk about loyalty.

July 23rd, 2011

Krystal said:


Wow!!! loved reading your comments…can you see my middle finger? ^_^

July 23rd, 2011

Cynthia said:

Huh?!?! Who’s posting under my name!! Please stop! Was it you Amber….and here you are talking about people acting like children…please grow up. Thanks…now go away. :) Geez…some people are pathetic and here I was kinda agreeing with you….my bad.

July 23rd, 2011

Krystal said:


LMAO!!! ;D Thanks, I needed that. *wink*

Yes, aren’t those passport photos the worst? Looks like a mugshot…simply awful. Can’t imagine him having a bad pic either…is so photogenic. The camera loves him.

July 23rd, 2011

abish said:

Is there a video of Ben in Comic Con?

July 23rd, 2011

Carlie said:

@Amber @Cynthia

If you had taken the trouble to look more carefully, you would have then seen that that particular site had tagged the photos that belong to BBF only for one simple reason — Stephanie asked the permission to post them & credited those people who made them. I think you don’t quite understand the amount of work that Stephanie does to give you the fresh news first. She never complained that other sites, instead of searching for the news by themselves, simply steal the info ..and you know why? She doesn’t care that ppl steal from her purely because she just wants to make you happy every day by giving you the doze of joy in the morning to last a day.
It’s great that Ben has 5 sites dedicated to him already, but it doesn’t change the fact that the administrator should be honest and upright, don’t you think?
And FYI, BBO or BBS do credit BBF and our names when they take info, if you didn’t notice (unlike BBWrld) which we all are very grateful for.

July 23rd, 2011

Narsil said:

Hi Steph and Hello everyone,

I read this comment this morning: Heather#2 said I discovered this fan site the other day: http://www.benbarneswebsite.com/

and the following comments. Then I have read some comments on Twitter and I’m thus sad for what is happening around this and I want apologize to you all but expecially to Steph if my site can hurt or damage someone. It was not my intention. : – (
I think that your site is the best source for Ben news and the better place for fan in order to talk about him and becoming friends sharing the passion for him.
My site is not fansite in the true sense of the word: I have created and structured it like a Web Site. Since Ben doesn’t have a real website I have thought that he deserved this, even if it is obviously unofficial and it will remain always unofficial. This is the reason why in the site I only publishing important news: i not publish candids or screencaps, neither scannings from magazines. This is because I think this is a fansite duty and not something that regards a website and also because I don’t like to publish candids, (but this is a personal demand for myself.)
If you want to give a look to my site, it is possible to see that the primary things for me and in my website are pages like ” filmography, music, theatre” and other special pages dedicated to Ben’s art. As it would have to be for a serious and reliable site.
I have commented here some months ago and have thought that were no problems between us. Thus, reading these comments, it is truly sad for me. Because I don’t steal nothing from your site, and I never claim credits for my things. I give credits to the official sources like photographers, official websites or magazines and press…. always.
Indeed sometimes I have published news that some official sources have given to me personally, like in the case of the communication of ” Locked in” dvd release that we have received from Wrekin Hill President, or other items. And speaking of ” Locked in” , I want to say that in past i was been so happy for supporting the fan petition and some of your readers have written to me in order to thank me. And it has been a pleasure to collaborate in this. I have your fansite connected by a link on our links page (under the heading ” fansites and blog” and you can check it on my site.) I am alone in this web site, I do not have a staff ( there is only a friend who sometimes helps in order to find or asking something of news, and it does not want to be named in the site because he is not involved with Ben, but he wants only help me sometimes) therefore the whole job for the site is only mine (including the planning, design, banners, graphics and artworks)
i am not even British, but I have intentionally created the site in English because I think is a right thing writing in Ben’s language. (So i think you can suppose that it is twice as demanding for me)
I know how much well is difficult to work for a site. I totally understand Stephanie and respect her, but also the readers of this site. I don’t want to steal fans or readers from this fansite. Really I don’t want this ….. my intent was only to create a new place dedicated to Ben like a complete website but I hope that all fans keep to remain here, on the BBF and talking of him here. Because I know this is the better place for fans . And it’s the truth. My website is just a site. Not a good place for fans and their need to talk.
If someone is creating a new fansite stealing your stuff, I didn’t know its way to work and I think that it’s wrong, but, this one is not me.
I want to thank Heather # 2 for have found me but I am not in competition with you and if the name of my site can hurt you I’m so sorry.
I’m not an enemy, because BBW is just my precious place in order to support Ben in the better way that I know. Nothing else. At the end I hope that we could be friendly each other, as I have thought that we were.
With regards and appreciation.

Sorry for the long comment (feel free to write me for everything, if you need)

July 23rd, 2011

Shunrei said:

I don’t know if someone has seen this, or if serves of something xD, but less is nothing, it’s the “First Look At Concept Art From The Seventh Son”, Ben is not there, but something is something:


July 23rd, 2011

Cynthia said:

@Carlie…..I just like to browse through anything Ben related…that’s all. I guess I don’t notice those things…..but you are right…..having to do all that work and people don’t give her credit for it is totally wrong.

July 23rd, 2011

Helaine said:

@Narsil – I’m afraid there’s a little misunderstanding here. Your site is not the one that has stolen and re-tagged BBF’s exclusive pictures. Before Heather#2 mentioned your site, another site had been mentioned above. That’s the one we’re talking about. ;)

July 23rd, 2011

Cynthia said:

Was it my mention of benbarnesworld.com? Oh dear……didn’t mean to start any problems! So sorry.

July 23rd, 2011

Carlie said:

Darling, it’s not your site we were talking about ;-)

July 23rd, 2011

Kell said:

@Narsil I enjoy your site read it all the time.

@Nightshade: I too hope he does grow his hair back. I was saying how different he looks with long hair. He really looks so different, but he is so adorable in any way he wears his hair. Just can give him a big hug all the time.
Julie I didnt know he lost a lot of weight while he was doing birdsong. But when I think about it looking back at the photos you can tell. But he was still cute as always

July 23rd, 2011

Narsil said:

@ Helaine

Oh God i know this!! “your site is not the one that has stolen and re-tagged BBF’s exclusive pictures” :D

@ Helaine and Carlie

And I understood which site are talking about. So, no misunderstanding!
Anyway reading that other mentioned sites are not welcome, right after my link, it was a little blow!
I’m glad to have explained my position and what I think about BBF anyhow!

@ Kell

Thank you so much!

@ Cynthia

It’s all OK!

July 23rd, 2011

Sandra said:

OMG! Heavens above! The dramarama! Sites on battle! Fans on war!
Unless you get there and take the pictures yourself,
everything else is fair game on the Internet.
Pictures, news.. It’s THERE, you only have to search.
I’m thinking everyone one wants to claim a piece of Ben..
..and brag about it.. later.
nope… not cool :(
This ain’t a cult.

July 23rd, 2011

JM said:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNN2L9KvuTQ Ben on panel at comic con on you tube …just came across it

July 24th, 2011

FL said:

thanks JM!!! :D

July 24th, 2011