
Ben Barnes In Talks For ‘The Seventh Son’

Ben is currently in negotiations for the starring role, opposite Jeff Bridges, in Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures’ fantasy tentpole, ‘The Seventh Son‘.

After playing the title role in ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian’, Ben Barnes is in line for another, as the Brit thesp is in negotiations to star in Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures’ fantasy tentpole, ‘The Seventh Son’.

Formerly known as ‘The Spook’s Apprentice’, tale is adapted from Joseph Delaney’s young adult series about a teen who’s the seventh son of a seventh son, and learns about wizardry from a forbidding spook.

Jeff Bridges will take on the role of the Spook, while Julianne Moore will play a witch in the pic, which is also slated to star Swedish thesp Alicia Vikander.

Source: Variety.com


Shunrei said:

Wow, how many projects, I’m glad for him :) but with the “Seventh Son” I have a confusion, Ben will play the role of Thomas Ward, right? I’ve not read it the books, but I read that Thomas is 13 years old, Is this a little adaptation by part of the producer? In a moment of the book, Thomas grows? because Ben doesn’t seem to being the age that he is, but not so much to seem that he is 13 years old (lol). Just seems to me a little bit rare.

June 26th, 2011

witchyeditor said:

Just started the first book and it is really well-written! I read A LOT of YA fiction and this one is particularly impressive. I wouldn’t expect anything less since Ben knows exactly what he is doing when he picks his parts :)

No this isn’t connected to Nic Cage’s movie.

June 26th, 2011

JM said:

Yay! More Ben !!! I too hope that his private life gets to stay that way . We know what happens when actors become too famous for their own good . It’s great to hear about all these roles he is getting . I just hope he doesn’t start getting “too big for his britches” . Stay humble Ben !

June 26th, 2011

PennyLane said:

Just wanted to thank Steph and everybody else for the updates and the video (so funny).

@JM: instead or britches I read bit….s and was like o_O , anyway I hope he keep his feet on the ground too. That’s what make him so attractive.

June 26th, 2011

Kell said:

I think as long as his little bro is around he will keep his feet on the ground, and thats not to mention his dad and mom too.

June 26th, 2011

Kell said:

There are a lot of articles about the Seventh Son. Lets hope he signs.

June 26th, 2011

Nat said:

Sounds like a very fun movie, can’t wait to see Ben in it! ;-)
Good for him for getting more work, we will sure be seeing a lot more of him soon! =D
And yes I agree, I can’t imagine him getting big-headed he seems far too down to earth, let’s just hope he stays that way =)

June 27th, 2011

Maiamai said:

Another fantasy movie? Sounds like fun, fingers crossed. My first thought was that it sounded a bit like “The saucerer´s apprentice” as well. I have to confess, I´m glad if it´s not though, because although I saw that movie and enjoyed it, it was highly forgettable. I can´t remember the storyline at all now.

Btw, when did that wedding movie start shooting again? From twitter:

bolognia Patricia Rae
hello my tweeters. BOM is up n gettin ready to leave for 2 mos. oh boy… BB hear I come! Oh and his hair is going to be long!

Long hair…? Do you think we´ll get a Caspian/Dorian Gray renaissance… you know, hair-wise? Cause I fully support that!
He must be a fast grower though.

June 27th, 2011

FL said:


LONG HAIR???!!! YEAH BABY!!!! the news just keeps getting better and better!!!

*off to rumba dance*

June 27th, 2011

Kell said:

So if he has to grow his hair, that should mean his hair will be the right length for TSS. So he is properly going to get the part. Sorry I am hoping really bad he does.

June 27th, 2011

JN said:

SO happy for Ben! I also fully support the long hair! haha.

June 27th, 2011

abish said:

am I the only one who likes him with short hair?

June 27th, 2011

Kell said:

@abish I like him with short hair too, but with him in long hair (not to long DG type) he is one good looking young man. I drool all the time he is on screen. Cant help it.

June 27th, 2011

Cynthia said:

I prefer the long hair :)

June 27th, 2011

abish said:

@kell I have to agree with you. He looks really cute with long hair :)

June 27th, 2011

kulotz said:

i more like him in long hair. the caspian/dorian hair. gosh, im burning!!!

i think he will need to grow his hair a bit long, and to shave his beard coz he really needs to look young in TSS. The role he’ll be playing is a 13 year old lad. although he need not look exactly 13 coz that is not what the producers really intended (to do away with the harry potter comparison) but he really has to look young. When he played caspian, he was 27 then but managed to look like a young lad in his teens. now he’ll be 30 by the time the filming starts, and he needs to look at least 19 or 20.

i know there wont be a problem. He is indeed Dorian Gray. He can be young forever by merely shaving his beard. He’s face is amazingly adaptable to all types of age particularly, a young age. weird!

June 27th, 2011

kulotz said:

by the way, let me use this page to extend my sincerest thanks to Ms. Patricia Rae for all the BB updates. we badly need it right now and your indeed quenching our thirst for ben. lol. keep it up, ma’am.

June 27th, 2011

FL said:

I have now begun to like his short hair but I agree that he looks A+++ in long hair, dunno why. Longer hair just frames his face so beautifully.

Funnily, I have been visualizing Alejandro Griffin and Thomas Ward in short hair. Yep he needs to look like a teen in TSS and young enough in The Wedding to become Patricia Rae’s son, but like kulotz said he simply needs to shave his beard. Has anyone seen this video of him signing autographs on the last Birdsong performance? He has no beard and has some fringes/bangs on his forehead and the combination makes him look like a college kid. I always thought it’s the look he’ll sport for these new movies, because it makes him look young without drawing association to the trademark Caspian look. But you definitely wont hear me complaining the long hair! :DD

June 27th, 2011

Dina said:

Hmmm, I prefer Ben with his short hair. But that doesn’t matter really! The cover for one of the books in the Last Apprentice shows Thomas with short hair though. Anyway, just thought I’d share my opinion! :)

June 28th, 2011

Maiamai said:

I actually have to say I agree with all of you, but it´s just that I think very few people can pull off the longer hair. So if you do… :o)

Btw, a question:
How many here are actually on Twitter?

I´m not yet, you see and I´m really tempted to join because it would seem like that´s where all the action is!
Of course I would need friends though :o)

June 28th, 2011

kulotz said:

just like ben, i dont have twitter. LOL. im merely relying on the posts here of our friends who have twitter. for those who have twitter accounts: please please please continue posting BB updates especially those posted by Ms. Rae.

June 28th, 2011

Maiamai said:

Well, I certainly will as much as I can, but I need someone to talk to.

June 28th, 2011

nadia said:

It’s great! I want to see Ben all day long….I love him..

June 30th, 2011

chinuyasha said:

Congrats Ben!! but i wish he was checking out Vampire Academy instead :( although this movie sounds interesting! i will definitely watch it when it comes out :D

July 11th, 2011

Tom Ward said:

Why Ben Barnes?
Ain’t he too old to act like a twelve year old?

January 4th, 2013