

Lucia said:

WOW! A lot to catch up :) Thank you for the interviews and videos!
LOL! Shaving with the sword! I love his laugh when Will says Hugh Jackman. LOL! “I’m torn” He’s quick! He really likes playing on words :)

That metro article link.. great great! I clicked on every side link there was about him lol! The picture in the attict haha!

I’m glad (and at the same time a little bit bothered, ’cause sometimes it can drive a person down) that he knows the bad things critics say about his performance, but most of all I like the whole attitude he’s got about it. He truly has his feet on the ground (I guess it pays to have parents who are psychologists/therapists LOL!) I hope that from every review, he takes out the parts that will make him better actor. That’s what matters; when someone criticizes, if it’s just to hurt and critics juts for the sake of it, it has no meaning. Don’t listen to it Ben!

I have a burning question for all of you. Although I’ve been a BB fan since Stardust and then PC, it’s recently that I’ve been participating in this BB forum, (I check another one too, though can’t post) and the sentiment seems the same. O.o
Why is that so many fans object to TE being Ben’s gf? What about her? Or is ANY woman? lol.. I ask because many of my favorites artist/actors are married or are in relationships and besides the “D*nm! He’s taken. Lucky woman, blah blah” usual comments, with Ben, I feel it’s a little bit more than that! O.O Maybe I’m reading it all wrong but I had to ask anyway :)

I still haven’t see all the 21:39 of the vid, BUT the first few minutes O.O Ben dancing (?) with the red shirt O.O LOL OMG Now I get it when he meant about his dancing being terrible. I think he was exaggerating his moves though.. but WAHHH? lol!mygod!

March 28th, 2011

Lucia said:

wow that was long!

Isn’t there supposed to be on the BB1 program with Robert and Ben now? I’m listening it now and I think there are some other people, I don’t recognize the voices. They’re talking fast if they said a name I totally missed it. >.<

March 28th, 2011

Lucia said:

YAY! They’re ON now! GOD! I love his voice!

March 28th, 2011

Lucia said:

Oh Please pleasepleaseplease! Somebody tell me: SOMEBODY RECORDED IT! It was hilarious! (The kind of thing you have to listen and listen and listen and you laugh every time) Definitely, Ben and Robert are great combination, I hope they get to work together again.

I LOVE LOVE the “U2-songs-in-a-story” test..LOLOL! And who will do the shoulder (or the ankle LOL!) then? (Ben did say 17) There were so many things.. I want to listen again *sobs* it was too fast *cries*

March 28th, 2011

Nightshade said:

I have tried the webcam link to the and left the page open but nothing seems to be happening … weird.

Guess it is all over now and they are in the cinema …

March 28th, 2011

Lucia said:

I’ve been trying also with not luck.
KB’s twitter is posting pictures but there are some that show nothing (the ones with the yfrog..) I can see the Twitpics though.. It looks like Ben cuts his hair again or just the style?

How frustrating.. with the webcam.. the 2 links I got aren’t working grr!

March 28th, 2011

Lucia said:

Sorry.. forgot :)


where is everybody? O.o

March 28th, 2011

belecherefestival.com said:

What іf thаt 150lƅ
ρегsοn ϲɑn’t
ѕtɑү and ɗancе fοг
30mіn ƅut օnlʏ
Һаѕ aƅօut 20mіn to ԁancе-ԝɦаt сan tҺеу ԁo to ƅսгn 350 cаlߋгіеѕ ߋг moге
іn 20mіnutսеѕ.

Αs yоu want tο ѕее, еаch օf theѕe thгеe haѕ tҺe ρօwеr to hеlp fɑt lߋѕѕ.
Һaѵіng ɑ too
ҺіǥҺ ΡH lеvеl աіll maҡе ѕսrе tҺаt
chгоmߋѕοmе y ɗіе ߋff
ƅеfоге геacҺіng
the fеmаlе’ѕ еǥǥ аnd cҺгοmߋѕοme х
ԝіll gеt tо feгtіlіzе tɦe еǥg, leaԀіng tо соncеƿtiοn ߋf a ԀаսgҺter.

August 4th, 2014