
LBC Radio Interview

Jo Parkerson from LBC Radio caught up with Ben in his dressing room at the Comedy Theatre recently to talk about Birdsong. Listen to the interview here!

Source: LBC.co.uk


Kimbers said:

Thank you so much for posting – gorgeous interview! Really interesting, mature questions too – which Ben must appreciate!

Aw – ‘entourage’ theme tune on his phone!

Wow – Ben bursting out of his trousers! – 300 very lucky extras!

A beautiful guy in sooo many ways *sigh*

October 23rd, 2010

Ananas said:

I LOOOVE that interview <33
So interesting, like you say!

Beautiful, the way he talks about Birdsong story…

October 23rd, 2010

kell said:

Just listen to it loved the part about the sword playing where he said intruders beware . So look out intruders this man knows how to use a sword. Love sword play. So now we all know his ring tone. Thanks Steph really nice interview.

October 23rd, 2010

Nicole L. said:

great interview!! i do wonder who was trying to call him though LOL

this made me even more sad that i can’t go see the play though :( :(

October 23rd, 2010

Geo said:

Great interview! I loved it, really gorgeous and… yes, there’s no way to don’t fall in love for him, he’s awesome, a absolutely nice guy, I think his beautiful and amazing personality is what fascinates me and million people around the world. He’s just the best.

And he talked about Brazil, about a few brazilians who went to London to watch Birdsong, and I got an attack when I heard he saying the name of my country. Think I’ve been really f*cking proud of being brazilian this time. DDDD: Thing that isn’t happening nowadays, cause the people here are being really stupid about the elections ‘-‘

October 23rd, 2010

Helaine said:

Have I heard right? He said there were people from Brazil waiting for him after the play on the previous day? Gosh, I so wanna cry right now… I wish I were one of them… :(

Anyway, I loved the interview! I melt every time I hear his voice, it’s just inevitable.

October 23rd, 2010

Helaine said:

@Geo – “And he talked about Brazil (…) and I got an attack when I heard he saying the name of my country.”

Me too!!!! LOL

October 23rd, 2010

Nightshade said:

What a gorgeous, long interview – I love his voice so much, it’s beautiful.

Oh my, the leather trousers! My daughter and I (naughtily) wondered whether he was commando when they split :-D :-D (yummy lol)

October 23rd, 2010

Nicole L. said:

“My daughter and I (naughtily) wondered whether he was commando when they split :-D :-D (yummy lol)”

@Nightshade — hahahaha i was wondering that too!!! ;D

October 23rd, 2010

Vicky said:

Thank you for this great interview! :) His ringtone is cool :)

Oh, he doesn’t like shopping. I don’t eihter. I dont’ find
normal clothes and I go home like I’m ugly and promise myself: okay I will have a diet and do some sport. And of course at home I eat a whole apple pie. :D

October 23rd, 2010

?MK? said:

such an interesting interview, thank you for the heads up. dear!!! The fact that Ben is so, how should I call it, devoted on both the play and the films is one more reason to respect him as a true actor! it’s not just a job, it’s his passion :)

October 23rd, 2010

Helaine said:

OMG! Killing Bono trailer!

Source (I’ve just seen it on Ben’s IMDb board):

October 23rd, 2010

Nightshade said:

OMG Helaine, thank you! this is just wonderful :-)

October 23rd, 2010

kell said:

WOW Thats him singing isnt it. WOW The soundtrack is supposed to be worldwide so I hope the movie is.

October 23rd, 2010

Helaine said:

@Nightshade – This trailer is awesome, and so funny! I loved it! :D

@kell – I hope it too! I don’t want to experience another long and unfruitful wait, like when I waited for Dorian Gray to be released here. Btw I’m still waiting… ¬_¬

October 23rd, 2010

Nicole L. said:

@Helaine — thanks for the link to the trailer….it was awesome!!! (although it took me a while to really notice the Irish accent — i couldn’t hear it properly until the end of the trailer, lol)

crossing my fingers that KB gets a US release!! (i feel like a broken record saying that haha)

October 23rd, 2010

kell said:

No Nicole you are not a broken record by saying that I am betting that we will have a good chance because of U2 being popular in the states.

Helaine you have never seen DG yet at least we got it on dvd.

October 24th, 2010

Ananas said:

WOW, great trailer!! I love the parts where you can see him singing^^ And he is so cute when he’s about to cry ='(
Thanks a lot!

About the interview, I LOVE it too! Could somebody explain to me what he said on the last question, about Killing Bono? I didn’t understand that, and it seems funny xD

October 24th, 2010

Helaine said:

@kell – There was no DVD release here in Brazil yet, it’s a shame. I’m waiting impatiently for it, I look for information about it every single day! But yeah, I’ve already seen DG… Just don’t ask me how… =P

October 24th, 2010

DW said:

His voice in the interview is so soothing, he could relax even the most stressed out girl!! LOL

Ananas, did you mean what he said about splitting his leather trousers in front of 300 extras? The interviewer asked him for some reason if he had the same pair of trousers the whole shoot (Not exactly sure why she had to know that but…) And he said they lasted until he made some kind of wild 80’s dance move and they split. I think that was the main thing he said about Killing Bono, but I could listen to it again to be sure…listening again-no problem! *SIGH*

Nightshade…I also naughtily pictured commando!

October 24th, 2010

Ananas said:

Yeah, that was about that! Thanks a lot! =p
Can’t wait to see that “wild dance move” lol

October 24th, 2010

StarryKnight said:

Omgggg I loved this interview! He is so freaking adorable! It’s so cute how he rambles on about a topic when he’s trying to figure out what to say. The only thing I’d change is that this was filmed instead of recorded because I’d love to see his face and what expressions/gestures he’s doing while he’s talking! *swoon* WAY TOO CUTE! I love him!

October 25th, 2010

Nicole L. said:

@StarryKnight — i’m so with you on that (about wishing it had been filmed instead of a radio recording…i love watching his interviews as well as listening) :)

October 26th, 2010

Andragel said:

What ringtone does he have?

October 28th, 2010

Helaine said:

@Andragel – It’s the theme song from a TV series called “Entourage”. :)

October 28th, 2010