
Ben Barnes with Bling Yo!

Hi everyone!

This one is for the Hyrise fans, especially you Ivonne! Haha! Anyway, here we have Ben giving us the OMG-I-am-so-gangsta-right-now portraits! Enjoy ladies and gents! And you know who to credit :)



ivonne said:

Thanks Tran for your consideration :) These pictures are quite enjoyable, not as much as “Leading me on” though

July 4th, 2008

Ben ' s fanclub from Thailand said:

Thankssssss Tran for Pics .

July 4th, 2008

Juliana said:

Thaaanks Tran! When i hear the “Leading me on” of Hyrise, i just like it! I’m goingo to put the video of the music in my MP4 :). Thanks!

July 4th, 2008

Maya said:

How long ago were these pictures taken?

July 4th, 2008

Maya said:

They really good. Hes gorgeous!!!

July 4th, 2008

Gabby said:

Damn, look at those cheek bones.

July 5th, 2008

ivonne said:

Maya, the pics were taken 4 years ago, in February 2004.

July 5th, 2008

white rosa said:

hi girls and guys …hey i think ben barnes is a very good actor….by the way who is ivonne…i mean u has a lot of pics of him and articles about him ……are u his friend or something like that???

kiss from colombia

July 5th, 2008

Sierra said:



Sooooooooooooooooo gorgeous.

This is the only gangsta I’ll ever love. *hugs pics*

July 8th, 2008