
Donated Icons

Hello visitors,

I know I’ve been promising the “Stardust” screen captures but I’ve been awfully lazy and busy, haha. But anyway, thanks to the wonderful Tasha for donating three awesome icons for the BBF visitors.


Thanks for visiting!


the beginning of the end « just wait. said:

[…] Check out this site to see a couple icons I made! The first one is my personal favourite. I love […]

December 30th, 2007

Amadis said:

Hello, I’ve got an information for you :)

“Ben Barnes To Star In Easy VirtueNew!

Ben Barnes and Jessica Biel are set to star in the romantic British Comedy ’Easy Virtue.’ Biel will play an American divorcee who jets off to the South of France. There, she falls in love with and marries a young Brit (Barnes) on the spur of the moment. Once the honeymoon period is over, the newlyweds have to travel back to England to face the music from the groom’s parents. The film is based on a play by Noel Coward, which was written back in 1924.”

From http://www.narniaweb.com

January 10th, 2008

Aylen said:

Hey! I just wanted to stop by and tell it too:) Here are too links i found: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=40820 and uk.reuters.com/article/entertainmentNews/idUKN1064525420080110
Anyway, i have a Ben Barnes site too. a Hungarian one:) I’m just not satisfied with it enough to advertise it:P

January 11th, 2008

Tran said:

Thanks guys! I’ll update the fan site tonight!

January 11th, 2008

ilnara said:

He the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love him!!!!!!!!!!!

January 26th, 2008

ilnara said:

Thanks Tran for site!!!

January 26th, 2008

Hunter Simpson said:


November 12th, 2008